
an inclination towards ordered chaos

express your yes
2 min readSep 27, 2018


disordered chaos: chaotic elements (e.g. people), ruled by fear of the unknown, are not inclined to align themselves with other chaotic elements to create higher-order chaos. instead, they align only to themselves, creating rigid, unmoving structures. this is stagnation & ugliness — not some dilute hollywood conception of ugly, but that emotion felt deeply, intuitively, immediately.

certainty (modern society): the inclination towards disordered chaos as a means to reduce unexpected outcomes by reducing interaction between chaotic elements.

ordered chaos: chaotic elements (e.g. radiation from the sun that mutates dna, creating the infinite diversity of life on our planet) unite with or complement each other through a minimum required order between them, so as not to diminish their individual chaos, thus creating higher-order chaos. this is beauty & grace, the kind we feel instinctively to be divine.

uncertainty (magical reality): the inclination towards ordered chaos by releasing fear of the unexpected to explore what is possible on the fringe infinity of existence, with all other chaotic elements.

society values consistency and divisive order to reject the uncertainty of the unknown, namely death. our fear prevents us from aspiring to ordered chaos, and instead we just settle for certainty. but sadly, we even incentivize disordered chaos — ugliness over beauty.

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each of us is the perfect example of ordered chaos. we are all divinely beautiful. and if you cannot comprehend what makes someone who and how they are, then they will be repulsive and ugly to you. even the most “wretched” beings, the ones who will do anything, take advantage of anyone, hurt anyone… are divinely beautiful in their very manifestation. the ordered chaos that makes them exist is undeniably gorgeous. because it’s the same source for you and for me.

this is god. this is love beyond duality. this is infinite celebration.

