what the hell is this, anyhow?

petals sandcastle
express your yes
Published in
7 min readJan 26, 2018

when contemplating the exact moment each of us shot out of our mother’s love canal & into this shared sensory world, we must ask ourselves: did we sprout from the same infinity (that may or may not exist outside of space-time as we’ve come to know it)?

infinity womb god plop

can we agree that we have all been conjured from somewhere and that just maybe this somewhere is not a ‘where’ at all but instead some infinity ‘outside’ our notions of time/space/causality? (let’s call it heaven for fun. or magical warm womby bop or stale rice cracker, whatever suits your palate.)

if we can suspend dogmatic disbelief, then another question arises: can anything in this realm exist entirely of & by itself?

we think not.

for fun, let’s say this infinite source, oneness, god (eggplant sandwich, old-man pipe, magical mushroom…) got bored with its own oneness and opted for an eternal hide-n-seek… a dualistic world of different colors, genders, brains, wirings, wants and agendas…

but we all bleed and poop and fear and dream and die and return to our origins the exact same.

thus the paradox. same because different. life because death. destruction because creation.

lush orange blob because deep blue expanse

there are always unanswerables. god/no god… heaven/no heaven… time/no time… space/no space… so life is absurd, ultimately irrational, and therefore play.

life is absurd, fucking celebrate !

we get to make it up. (!)

it ends — (with no real proof it actually ever ends) — so why not? what else is there?

we’re all diamonds conjuring riches from the dust. it’s time to polish up!

so we ask: how to keep rationality without killing off the tooth fairy?

moving beyond / falling through an impenetrable ground-floor on existence… beyond dogma and to-do … beyond labels, should, must, & ought… beyond patriotism, alignment, and division… beyond being beholden to duality. . . lies the Promised Land mentioned in the quran and bible and whatever other text one follows or doesn’t follow.

but fear runs our show. we are afraid of the unknown.

we live a life of ‘if only. . . ’ & ‘as soon as. . . ’

fear appears to prevent us from becoming. but we already are. now. you are now. you can never not be. if so, you’ll be dumb to it. remember descartes?

‘i doubt therefore i think therefore i am’

being is a matter of belief. which is a matter of focus.

perhaps nature is fixed but we choose where to focus.

where do you focus?

can we agree that this reality (potentially outside of time?) that somehow turns a bit of sperm and overcooked egg (and hopefully heated passionate fun) into six-foot-tall humans is pretty remarkable?

awesome reality is science is god is theatre is too-salty artichoke dip — the most compelling story wins.

that’s how jesus came to be. people freed themselves to conjure a really compelling story to convince a billion followers. same with muhammad, buddha, and the rest.

muslims are bad because why? fat is bad because why? queers are sinful because why? why do we spend life in fear, reservation, and judgment?

because we are afraid to die. because we are afraid of moving beyond the duality. oneness feels like death. and it is. but then there’s a rebirth. a resurrection not of the body but of the mind.

your physical body will die. sooner you sit with this, really look at it, and honor it: celebration. life in the form you know now is a finite gift (or a curse depending on your perspective) and you, as the such-and-such height, weight, fears, and beliefs we all have come to know you as will eventually be wiped out.

your heart will stop.

accepting death as the necessary dance partner to life moves us past fear & into the realm of express over survive.

you are the guru. visualize healing. (aka growth, movement, effort, curiosity)

can you trust the self? the gut knows. the gut is in direct line with source, nature, infinitely-knowing ever after. we need only listen. we need only build gut muscle. just as we build the muscle of bigotry and bicep. the muscle of focus. the muscle of hard work & honesty. the muscle of reflection.

muscle takes effort. this movement — like all movement — requires effort.

another question: is life worth the effort?

our premise: source popped us all into this sensory world of duality — of separateness — of something because of something else — of man because of woman. . . of dark thanks to light. . . rich due to poor. . . life because, well, death. . .

what if life is a perpetual falling into a bed of roses and all that needs changing is perspective?

what if death is just another stop along the infinite journey towards the horizon that does not exist?

life is a drug.

religion is a drug. god concept is a drug. food is a drug. news is a drug. safety, adrenaline, coffee, beer, television, love, hate, depression, technology, performance… drugs.

we hold firm to that raft to save us. the raft of science. of jesus. of muhammad. of food. of money. of bigotry. a tab of acid. one good fuck.

but we are as redeemed as we are ever going to be. the addiction cannot end in this sensory realm of shared reality.

futile, ceaseless desire — perpetual want — never sating for long.

accept: we are a walking amalgam of addiction. celebrate! (no, seriously. celebrate!)

life itself is an addiction.

and we don’t need a 12-step program for it if we remove the fear of death — if we accept we are all addicts of sensory experience.

it’s time to get radically transparent. to own thine isness. life becomes easier once we give over to what is — not what we wish, think, ought, might be… but is-ness. firstly our own. who are you? who are we? what will history say of our planet? if god exists, is god pleased?

our beliefs filter our stimulus thus shooting thoughts into perception. we are what we repeatedly think and do. mind your mind.

you are.

you are alive. you will die. you will (maybe… probably… (where can energy go, anyhow ?)) be alive again. glory be !

dear sweet-cheeked isness — we’re throwing a perpetual party and you are invited.

in purple republic all men could own a tutu. congress could eye gaze. & creation could be war’s kryptonite.

in purple republic you can post, think, dream, say, do, be as you wish yourself. as you see yourself ‘if only’ . . .

our goals:

  • play.
  • celebrate life! the cancers and the cures.
  • remove fear. remove can’t. remove dogma. remove blame. remove shame. remove barriers. remove bigotry. remove the self-critic. remove rejection.
  • be. (as we all inevitably must. because we are.)

over the coming months we aim to embark on a quest to ask and maybe even answer some of the toughest questions in life.

to reconcile the gaping wounds self-inflicted on our planet.

a cosmic collision of sorts — love is most certainly the answer. (though sometimes it’s best to love from afar.)

performance & politics, poetry, paradigm, play — a deep, magical, explorative investigation with all the faerie fixings.

the mind-numbing paradox.

life is valueless, utterly without meaning. emptiness everywhere.

life is everything, perpetually blossoming ripeness. fullness abounding.

life is everything is nothing.

we are never anything forever. because life isn’t forever. because life is forever. (confusing, right?)

life is a playground and dressing room to try things on.

identities, heels, labels, ideology. clinging creates dogma.

dialogue over dogma !

let’s reconcile the dark with the light. we are all of it. it all is.

do you ever wonder: how do i get what i really want? what is the point of being alive? is meaning inherent? how fast can a gay man run in heels? is peace possible? why are we so afraid? can love go viral? how do we express over survive? how do we quiet the self critic? how do we rid life of poisonous playmates? how do we radically accept? how do we overcome fear? how do we be gratitude in what we have and what we are? what’s the key to sitting-without-stir in the face of our insecurities, bigotries, laziness, helplessness, and feeling of always running without getting anywhere?

we have some hypotheses, feel free to try em on…

1. nature cannot change

2. but reality can.

3. our only power is where we focus.

4. focus affects perspective, which negotiates outlook and therefore reality, which is a matter of perception.

if not us, who? if not now, when?

it’s time to unify the human race. to celebrate and to fearlessly question. to play with ourselves. and each other.

our website will facilitate the journey out loud. let’s dance ourselves clean. won’t you join us?

HEY! i say, hey. . . will you stand with us? with yourself?

because we’re here to stay. to jolt the system & unify the human race. to spark dialogue. create theatre. play with life. drag it up a bit. & support candidates to run in 2018 and beyond.

everyone needs a good wig to celebrate the state of being alive

email us.

add, like, and share us out. (social media is a tool. use it wisely.)

shop our art & things.

donate to the cause or become a patron!

let’s play. let’s investigate & challenge & witness. let’s express over survive.

helplessness is learned. so is perpetual empowerment.

life is, we are.

namaste you goddamn perfectly imperfect beautiful little thing.



petals sandcastle
express your yes

queer painter_poet flappy bird for the love revolution. art. ideas. flow. filosof.e lit'ru.cha.