will the real god please stand up?

petals sandcastle
express your yes
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2018

just ask yourself this — is it peculiar that if i were born in the middle east i’d probably be muslim? and if i were born in china i’d probably be a buddhist? and if I were born in america i’d probably be a christian? DO YOU THINK GOD IS BOUND UP IN MAN-MADE GEOGRAPHICAL BOUNDARIES?

i grew up very christian. and then i traveled and read and met people of other faiths and got very quiet in meditation and began looking deeper inward and outward and started facing reality instead of hiding in the blind faith passed down to me by my familial surroundings and i found something so much more powerful than jesus alone. something that INCLUDES JESUS.

if you are a person of faith and sometimes feel your version of god cannot be all there is — that the rules and demands your god places on the faithful are a bit too human, a bit too bound in smallness & boundary…. if your deepest self silently screams to you that your god must be more than this small (male-centric) vision, that your god must be for ALL people… and that maybe, just maybe — you’ve been sold some half-truths in the game of religious telephone — if you’re looking for a faith and religion and god and purpose and belief that is a bit bigger, a bit more inclusive of everyone… i offer you a god of LOVE.

this god says all of us are as saved as we’re ever going to be. that regardless of whether we’re born in the middle east or asia or texas — we are in the club. that no matter if we call ourselves christian, muslim, atheist, or pickled egg fat — WE ARE SAVED.

this god says we are in this together. that there’s no need for walls or name calling. that gays are no different than straights. that blacks are no different than whites. that christians are no different than muslims. that women are no different than men. that rich are no different than poor. that fat are no different than skinny. that we are one.

my god is a god of oneness. of celebrating life rather than condemning sin. if you want more information — look inside. type into your google: meditation. yoga. alan watts. compassion. collective consciousness. kindness.

it’s a long walk, but it’s the most godly thing any of us can do. because there’s one thing i know: god doesn’t do boundaries. ❤ ❤ ❤

& we are baptized in boundary. so what if you didn’t have to play the god lotto? what if you didn’t have to put all your eggs-of-eternity into one bound-up basket? what if god was a sure bet?

maybe ‘it’s just the way things are’ isn’t ‘the way things have to be.’

maybe lesser of evils doesn’t have to be

maybe gun violence doesn’t have to be

maybe bigotry doesn’t have to be

when maybe becomes obviously, when future becomes now — then you’ll know god.



petals sandcastle
express your yes

queer painter_poet flappy bird for the love revolution. art. ideas. flow. filosof.e lit'ru.cha.