The Best Way to Declutter: How To Sweep Away The Mess

Nadia Croll
Published in
8 min readJan 26, 2024

You know, there’s something almost magical about the act of letting go. It’s like shedding an old skin or setting down a heavy suitcase after a long journey. Embracing minimalism isn’t just about creating more space in your closet or drawers; it’s about creating more space in your life, your mind, and yes, your heart.

When I first dipped my toes into the minimalism pool, I’ll admit, it felt more like a cold plunge. I was surrounded by things — some loved, many forgotten, and a few, well, I still wonder why I ever brought them home. But, as I began the process, something clicked. Each item I let go of felt like a tiny liberation, a whisper of freedom.

Photo By Avery Elliot Lane

Minimalism isn’t about living with the bare minimum or turning your back on material possessions. It’s about surrounding yourself with things that matter, things that bring joy and serve a purpose. This philosophy, my dear reader, turns your home into a sanctuary, not a storage unit.

Imagine walking into a room where everything has its place, where the air feels lighter, and your thoughts don’t have to compete with the chaos of clutter. There’s a sense of calm and clarity that comes with this kind of space. It’s not just tidy; it’s tranquil.

But how do you get there? How do you sift through years, maybe decades, of accumulation and decide what stays and what goes? Well, it starts with understanding that every object holds energy. Ask yourself, does this item energize or drain me? Does it serve a purpose, or is it just filling space? When you start to see your possessions through this lens, letting go becomes less of a chore and more of a choice — a choice to prioritize your well-being over your belongings.

First Steps in Decluttering: Where to Begin?

Ah, the daunting question: where to begin? The start of any decluttering journey can feel overwhelming, like standing at the base of a mountain, looking up at the peak. But, just like any journey, it starts with a single step. And in the world of decluttering, that step is choosing where to start.

I always suggest beginning with the easiest space. Don’t launch your decluttering crusade with that attic filled to the brim with memories and boxes of who-knows-what. Start somewhere small, like a drawer, a shelf, or even your bedside table. The idea is to score an easy win, to feel the satisfaction of transforming a cluttered space into a tidy one.

As you begin, set yourself up for success. Create a comfortable, inviting space to work in. Put on some music, open a window, brew a cup of tea — make it an experience, not a chore. And then, take everything out of the space you’ve chosen. Yes, everything. It’s important to start with a blank canvas.

Once you’ve emptied the space, clean it. There’s something deeply satisfying about wiping down a shelf or drawer that’s been hidden under clutter for too long. It’s like you’re not just cleaning the surface; you’re cleansing the energy of the space.

Now, the real fun begins. As you start to put things back, ask yourself a few key questions: Do I use this? Do I love this? Does this add value to my life? If the answer is a resounding yes, then back it goes. If not, it’s time to consider whether it’s something to donate, recycle, or throw away. This process isn’t just about getting rid of things; it’s about rediscovering what truly matters to you.

Sorting Secrets: Keep, Donate, or Toss?

Sorting through your belongings can feel like navigating a maze without a map. But fear not, I’ve got some secrets up my sleeve that have helped me, and countless others, find our way.

The keep, donate, or toss method is beautifully simple and incredibly effective. For every item, you have three choices: keep it, donate it, or toss it. Sounds easy, right? Well, the trick is in the decision-making process.

For the ‘keep’ pile, the criteria should be strict. This is reserved for items that you use regularly, that bring you joy, or that have significant sentimental value. Remember, every item you keep is choosing to take up space in your life, so make sure it’s worth it.

Then, there’s the ‘donate’ pile. This is for items that are still in good condition but don’t serve you anymore. Maybe it’s clothes you no longer wear, books you’ve read and won’t reread, or kitchen gadgets you never use. Donating these items can give them a new life and bring joy to someone else. Plus, it’s a way of letting go that feels good.

Finally, the ‘toss’ pile. This is for things that are broken, worn out, or otherwise unusable.

Conquering Closet Chaos: A Guide to Streamlined Wardrobes

Diving into the depths of a chaotic closet can be a journey filled with forgotten treasures and, let’s be honest, a few fashion faux pas. But transforming this chaos into a streamlined wardrobe is like choreographing a beautiful dance where every piece has its place and purpose.

Start by emptying your closet. Yes, I mean everything. As you hold each item, ask yourself when you last wore it. If it’s been over a year, chances are you won’t wear it again. Be honest with yourself. Those jeans that you’re hoping to fit into again? If they don’t make you feel fabulous right now, it’s time to say goodbye.

Now, let’s talk about organizing what’s left. Arrange your clothes in a way that makes sense to you. Some prefer by color, others by season or occasion. The key is to make it easy for you to find what you’re looking for. And here’s a little trick: turn all your hangers in one direction. After you wear something, hang it back facing the opposite way. In a few months, you’ll clearly see which clothes you wear often and which ones are just taking up valuable space.

And shoes, oh the shoes! They can be the trickiest of all. My advice? Keep out the ones you wear regularly and store the rest. Shoe organizers that hang over the door or slide under the bed are great space-savers.

The Art of Organizing: Creative Storage Solutions

Organizing isn’t just about finding a place for everything; it’s about finding the right place for everything. And sometimes, that requires a bit of creativity. Storage solutions don’t have to be boring. In fact, they can add character and style to your space.

Let’s talk about shelves. They’re not just for books. Shelves can be a stylish way to display and organize a variety of items. Use baskets or decorative boxes on shelves to store things like scarves, hats, or even paperwork. Label them if you must, but make it fun. Think chic tags or creative handwriting.

And don’t overlook the back of doors. They’re prime real estate for hanging organizers that can hold everything from jewelry to cleaning supplies. It’s all about maximizing your space without adding clutter.

Now, for small spaces, think vertical. Tall, narrow shelving units can provide ample storage without taking up much floor space. And remember, the space under your bed is a treasure trove of storage potential. Under-bed storage bins are perfect for out-of-season clothing or extra bedding.

Keeping it Clutter-Free: Daily Habits for a Tidy Space

Maintaining a clutter-free space is like tending to a garden. It requires regular attention but the rewards, oh, they’re worth it. Incorporate small, daily habits into your routine to keep the clutter at bay.

Start with a five-minute tidy-up each day. It could be when you first wake up or right before bed. Put things back in their place, straighten up a pile of books, or clear the kitchen counter. It’s amazing how these few minutes can transform the feel of your space.

Then, there’s the one-in-one-out rule. Whenever you bring a new item into your home, find something to donate or discard. This helps keep your belongings in check and prevents the gradual accumulation of stuff.

And let’s talk about paper clutter. It can pile up quickly, can’t it? Deal with mail as soon as it comes in. Recycle junk mail immediately, file important documents, and try to handle bills and other paperwork right away. Digitalizing documents where possible can also be a huge space-saver.

Lastly, make decluttering a regular event. Once a season, take a couple of hours to go through your space and assess what’s there. Is everything still useful, loved, and necessary? If not, you know what to do. Remember, keeping your space clutter-free is an ongoing journey, but with these daily habits, it’s a journey that can be filled with ease and joy.

Navigating the diverse landscape of decluttering methods can be as enlightening as it is practical. Each technique offers a unique perspective, fostering skills that range from making tough decisions to creating sustainable organizing habits. I’ve come across several authors whose insights have not only inspired my journey but also equipped me with varied strategies. Their works can be a treasure trove for anyone looking to embark on or enhance their decluttering journey.

Sentimental Items: Balancing Emotion and Practicality

Ah, sentimental items. They tug at our heartstrings and often hold us hostage in a prison of nostalgia. Balancing the emotional value of these items with the practical aspects of decluttering can be a delicate dance.

When you come across a sentimental item, pause and take a moment. Hold it in your hands and allow yourself to remember the story behind it. Why do you keep it? What emotions does it evoke? Sometimes, the memory is all we need, and a photograph of the item can preserve this without the physical clutter.

A helpful approach is to set limits. Choose a specific number or size of a box to contain your sentimental items. This boundary forces you to truly consider what’s most important. It’s about quality, not quantity. You’ll find that the most cherished memories will fit into this space, and the act of choosing can be surprisingly liberating.

For items that are too large or impractical to keep, consider repurposing them. A piece of an old quilt can be framed, or a few pages from a childhood book can be made into artwork. This way, you keep a part of the memory alive in a form that contributes to your current lifestyle.

Another technique is to share these memories. Sometimes, giving a sentimental item to a family member or friend who will cherish it can be more rewarding than storing it away. It’s a way of extending the joy the item brings, while also decluttering your space.

Remember, it’s not about erasing memories but about curating them. Each item you choose to keep or let go of is part of your story. By balancing emotion with practicality, you create a space that honors your past while embracing your present.

