Now Where Was I?

Extended Play
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2016

The clock strikes 5pm on a warm summer Friday, and a couple of colleagues invite you to happy hour. You’ve been craving that Moscow Mule since you made it over the mid-week hump, so of course you join them.

Amid the obligatory sharing of weekend plans, you hear a cool, soulful tune come on in the background. You slyly pull out your phone, open SoundHound, and tap the big orange button to ID the song. Your phone’s back in your pocket just as the conversation circles around to you.

Fast forward a few weeks, social outings, and songs IDs. You recall that happy hour, and the song you IDed that night is stuck in your head. You open SoundHound to look for it in your search history. It’s buried somewhere down your list of recent searches, and you don’t wanna tap through a bunch of song previews to find it.

My Music Map to the Rescue

Your SoundHound music map gives you geographic context for all of your searches. Even if all you remember is where you were when you heard a song, SoundHound makes it easy for you to pinpoint the exact one you’re looking for.

To activate this feature, go into the app settings and turn on “Share location”. You’ll then be able to zoom in to a specific location on your music map to see what you IDed when you were there.

OK Hound, add “Sweet Thing” by Mary J. Blige to my Spotify playlist.

