Partner with ExtendNode to Empower Entrepreneurs

Cloris Guo
ExtendNode’s Blogs for Entrepreneurs
5 min readSep 25, 2019
Photo by Luca Onniboni on Unsplash

Becoming an entrepreneur should be a career choice for anyone. At ExtendNode, we want to empower you to make that happen.

Some facts for us to understand where we are.

The vision of ExtendNode

Anyone can become an entrepreneur and make an impact on society with accessible resources.

The mission of ExtendNode

ExtendNode commits to democratizing the access of opportunities to building a community and platform where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can connect and support each other, and find resources like knowledge, partners, investors, customers, teammates to launch and grow business across the globe.

What we do on Medium

ExtendNode’s Blogs for Entrepreneurs is a publication on Medium. It focuses on sharing educational know-how and inspirational stories written for and by founders, business leaders, and investors.

What we will do beyond Medium

ExtendNode’s Blogs for Entrepreneurs is just the beginning. We are consistently working towards fulfilling our mission. We will let our content contributors and readers know when we launch new features.

Who the content contributors are

(Aspiring) entrepreneurs, business leaders, investors

Who the readers are

(Aspiring) entrepreneurs, business leaders, investors

Three themes we cover

  • How-to do Startup: We believe first-hand insights are most valuable for other entrepreneurs. It may be about the business launch, fundraising, product design, marketing, sales, hiring, culture, or any other business know-how. (Examples: building MVP, fundraising, PR, building a remote team)
  • Entrepreneurship: A true story is the best testimony to inspire peers. We love stories about struggles and growth, and we share them with others to show support and encouragement. We particularly encourage women leaders to share their voice on our platform. (Examples: women leadership, personal growth)
  • Resource Center: We are inspired by the generosity of entrepreneurs to share business tools, platforms, and templates with other entrepreneurs. We dedicate a featured page for easier search and access to such content.

Channels where we distribute your stories besides Medium

  • ExtendNode’s Twitter account: We share every article on Twitter. If you share your Twitter account with us in the submission form, we will @ you on Twitter when we share your story.
  • ExtendNode’s Instagram account: Our editors will feature some articles on Instagram by making a specially designed post about the article and the writer (check our Instagram for example). If you share your Instagram account with us in the submission form, we will @ you on Instagram when we share your story.
  • We are considering more distribution channels. We will let our readers and writers know when we add new ones. Also, feel free to give us suggestions at

How to submit your article

  • Step 1 Create a free account: You need to register a medium account (free). You don’t need to pay to become a member to submit your article.
  • Step 2 Prepare the story: You may either write a post on Medium or import a story to Medium.
  • Step 3 Share your story with us: Use this Google Form to submit your story and share other information with us. Feel free to leave us any notes/questions you have in the submission form if you have any. If you are introducing resources to other entrepreneurs and would like to display your article on the Resource Center page, leave a note to us.
  • Step 4 We will review and respond to you: We usually will get back to you within 3 days and let you know whether we would publish your article or not. We will use the email you provided in the submission form to contact you.
  • Step 5 Officially submit your story to ExtendNode’s Blogs for Entrepreneurs: Follow these instructions to submit your story to us.
  • Step 6 Editorial by our editors before publishing: Our editors may edit your stories for the following before publishing: grammatical errors, tags, subtitles, and descriptions.
  • Step 7 Publishing by us: You will receive a notification from Medium once the article is published. We will also share your story on Twitter and Instagram if our editors choose to feature your article.

Do’s on ExtendNode’s Blogs for Entrepreneurs

  • Be useful: ExtendNode is built to help entrepreneurs and aspirational entrepreneurs. We want the stories to be either applicable or motivational for our readers.
  • Tell the truth: Being an entrepreneur is hard. We want to hear the truth and be there for everyone, even though it involves frustration and loneliness. But these stories are most powerful.

Don’t on ExtendNode’s Blogs for Entrepreneurs

  • Violate Medium’s rules.
  • Remove your published article from ExtendNode’s Blogs for Entrepreneurs within 3 months after it’s published.
  • Revise your published article substantially or make the content no longer relevant to ExtendNode’s themes or inconsistent with ExtendNode’s values.

Tips for writing

  • The Medium help center is the best resource to master Medium features.
  • Unsplash has tons of beautiful free pictures to use as a story image.
  • Canva offers great tools to design and edit pictures.
  • Creating a profile page for yourself is an effective way to attract and interact with your readers and other writers.
  • Read Medium’s articles about #Writing and #Writing Tips to improve your writing skills over time.
  • You may choose to become a Medium Partner (again, you don’t have to be a paid member) and earn money from Medium (not from ExtendNode). We think most of our writers don’t write to earn money but it’s a nice encouragement to see the reward from Meidum.
  • If you are introducing resources such as tools, platforms, and templates, take a look at the Resource Center.

Tips for maximizing the usage of ExtendNode’s network

  • Share as an entrepreneur: Don’t be afraid of writing. Focus on sharing. We are not writers. We are entrepreneurs who write to share.
  • Interact with other members: If you see articles you really like, clap for the writer to show your appreciation. You may even write a response or leave a note to start a conversation with the writer. Who knows, this may lead to some great friendship or business opportunity.
  • Be proactive with us: If you have great ideas for making ExtendNode more helpful for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs, feel free to reach out to chief editor Cloris Guo or shoot an email to

Last but not least

  • ExtendNode is evolving and we try to be consistent with our mission and values. We reserve the right to edit photographs and copy where necessary. And we reserve the right to unpublish a story that violates rules, which we may update from time to time. We reserve the right to remove the writer of such stories from our contributor list.
  • You are always welcome to share with us any questions and thoughts about ExtendNode by sending us an email at



Cloris Guo
ExtendNode’s Blogs for Entrepreneurs

Building ExtendNode | Strategy & Partnership Leader | Fund & VC Lawyer | Startups | Blockchain | China | connect with me at