Professionalism is in the details

Areti Vassou
ExtendNode’s Blogs for Entrepreneurs
4 min readJun 9, 2020


Above and beyond anything else professionalism is built by the choices we make to lead our business life.

Being a digital entrepreneur, content creator and speaker for more than 15 years it has given me the opportunity to meet thousands of people in a variety of industries. One quality seems to be praised by everyone. The quality of professionalism.

What defines professionalism?

For starters, ethics and honesty.

Without any intention of oversimplifying the main characteristics of professionalism, both are common ground in all industries. Ethics and honesty are the most valuable characteristics both for management and clients.

Professionals that are honest, evenhanded and authentic tend to receive more respect both from clients and colleagues. Having these makes it easier to become a trustworthy name among peers and establish a positive reputation. To stand out for a great character is priceless and most companies value their official code of ethics more than anything else. In most cases, we can find a similar attitude regarding the code of ethics in freelance professionals.

Photo credits: Patroklos Stellakis Photography

Behave Morally and Ethically

When you are all alone in the room, still it is crucially important to behave morally and ethically.

Experienced professionals know that even if there isn’t any official book of written code of ethics (in some industries), there is always an unwritten code of ethics that applies to business conduct. For serious professionals, there is no debate upon the matter of morality and ethics. You should display ethical behavior at all times and protect the main human rights at all costs.

Presenting the best behavior, showing a respectful & lawful attitude to everyone you do business with separates the professionals from the non-professionals. And this can make our world a better place for all humans.

Responsibility and Dependability

To be responsible is a statement of strong character and clear judgment.

Being the person in your team where colleagues & clients can depend on you to deliver any task (no matter how complicated or challenging it may develop) is a proven element of professionalism. People that eliminate the need for micromanagement are setting the example of acting in free will and under the inspiration of creativity.

Acting responsibly and fair under all circumstances can impact the way other people treat you.

Responsible professionals earn the trust of their clients and have a natural open dialogue with them. Doing your job as it should be done, solves many issues and builds healthy relationships with your clients and colleagues.

Be the example with your actions

Do you know the saying: “Be so good that your work will do all the introductions for you”?

Deliver what you have promised, every single time. Do what you said. Act as if you are restricted by a signed contract for everything you have promised. Professionals have a silent calm power in their eyes because they value their time and their words.

Having said that, your words should be as solid as rock. Stating the obvious it is essential to respond accordingly in all situations, to be on time, to follow the schedule and to deliver all your commitments.

In other words, say less and do more without forgetting the contributors to your success. Team appreciation and acknowledgment can actually push forward our value more than any awards or applause.

Photo credits: Patroklos Stellakis Photography

Own your Mistakes

Yes, grandmothers were quite right. Don’t wait to go further on the road if you don’t learn to own your mistakes with grace.

Experienced professionals know that they are accountable for all their actions. Even those that do not trace back to them directly. There will be occasions where mistakes will happen. Bite the bullet, own your mistakes, fix it if you can, and move to the next step. Blaming others for your mistakes screams “unprofessionalism” from miles away.

For the younger generations, it may sound kind of old fashioned, but it is true that to be structured and organized could be the major break-you-or-make-you factor.

There is no question about how important it is to be extremely organized and neat in your work. Stick to your monthly schedule and keep all your professional appointments to the point. Never waste your time and your client’s time. Honor your words and be generous when the situation calls it.

Confidence feeds from Commitment

The personal commitment to do a job the best way you can without any exterior pressure is by definition a sign of professionalism. A genuine professional can perform and do his/her part of the job even if he/she is not in the mood to do it.

Acting professionally means that you can perform at your very best even on a bad day.

This kind of commitment gradually builds the reputation of top tier professionals in all industries. In many cases, I have met many professionals that their reputation precedes them and opens the doors without any extra effort. This characteristic goes hand in hand with deep confidence & self-respect.

When a person feels that they can cope with any challenge is giving them the ability to learn the ropes in a blink of an eye. Sailing successfully through a storm gives a huge boost to personal and professional growth. Being driven by trust, confidence and dependability it is most likely to pass this aura of success to the clients and company culture. It is no secret that confidence nurtures joy, growth and a sense of accomplishment.

In the business world, skills are good but character and ethics are better — Areti Vassou



Areti Vassou
ExtendNode’s Blogs for Entrepreneurs

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing.