Create Chrome Extension tutorial 2022 — part 0

Anna Ikoki
Extensions Development


Read this before you start building your chrome extension

A few things before you start creating a Chrome Extension using different tutorials, to help you with hours of googling and debugging. Most importantly, to build your chrome extension to a fully working model.

When building an extension you start to declare a configuration file called manifest.json. Here there will be some information about the extension and the environment that it needs to operate.

After some years, they normally update the SDK (Software Development Kit). For example manifest_version 2 to manifest_version 3 . Due to the upgrade, there are so many changes that must be adopted to have your extension uploaded, executed, and run. If you just read the Chrome developers' documentation you’re totally fine, but if you follow tutorials, chances are the tutorials are not yet fully updated or perhaps older tutorials which will render useless to you. But that should not be the case.

Here are the changes, and how you can switch the statements to make your tutorials work, as they should.

In the file: manifest.json

{# 1. MANIFEST VERSION upgrade from number 2 to number 3"manifest_version": 2
-- into:

