Starting Up

The Why

Fun Activities


Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time in your busy lives to read this. Right, lets get right to it. I would like to present e.curricular (simply pronounced ‘e’ curricular), which is a platform for the promotion, participation and love of extra-curricular activities enjoyed by both adults and children. I suppose the best place to start is with the question, Why? Why does this startup, app, company, platform, whatever you call it need to exist?

Well, the idea started as a dissertation and project for an MSc. After conducting a very tiny survey I realised that there was no unified platform for organisations who provide clubs for kids, or schools for that matter. On presenting this idea to my tutor at Oxford, he immediately remarked that there would parents who would like to organise activities as well. So here we are, with an idea which aims to not only solve a problem, but also create an extra level of participation of the public from the web/mobile to socialising both indoors and outdoors.

The ActivHive is an idea that allows people to connect to each other via a shared love of activities. It makes it easy for people with shared activity interests to find each other and participate in those activities. It enables people looking for activities to find those providing them. e.curricular will also enable people to pay easily for the activities they enjoy, AND be paid easily. This opportunity is in no way limited to just parents and kids. It will allow adults to arrange activities for themselves and their friends, or people around them. From there, we hope to grow, and add new features all the time.

So the question is, what do you think of the idea? Harsh but fair criticism will be welcomed (eek!!). Any ideas, feedback or questions would be loved. Once again, thank you for your time.

About ActivHive

ActivHive is a community that is for the discovery, promotion and enjoyment of fun activities for everyone. These include extra-curricular activities in school, to fun activities for the older lot, including dance, martial arts, yoga, running and many more.

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Fun Activities

ActivHive is a community for the promotion, discovery, and enjoyment of fun extra curricular activities for people of all ages and likes.