Which Running Clubs in the UK

Some of the best running clubs in London and the UK

Fun Activities


Whether it’s the simplicity of the run, or the fun conversations with friends during the exercise, or the calm continuous exertions which come with the pace, running has always been tough but fun. It is a good way for people to start an active lifestyle and an excellent way to maintain one.

Running, a good way to exercise

Deciding to start running can be tough however, so people created networks of runner communities, which eventually became established clubs. So if you are looking to start your run adventure, we have a few suggestions of clubs for you to look into in the UK.

The Mornington Chasers


Mornington Chasers

These guys are based in North London and are over 250 members strong. They meet weekly and cater to people with abilities from beginner to semi-professional. Not only do they provide training runs and track sessions, but they also use yoga to help runners improve. They have members who participate in both UK and International events and at the time of writing, are preparing for the Regent’s Park 10K Winter Series event. Membership works out to be roughly £65 annually split to £40 from January to August and £25 from September to December.

Run Dem Crew


A slightly smaller outfit at just over 200 strong, it would be slightly unfair to think of Run Dem Crew as a running club. It is more likely they’d see themselves as more of a movement.

Run Dem Crew

They are more of an alternative running group, with no membership fees aiming to explore the streets of London through running meets. They are split into 5 categories according to fitness and pace and are definitely worth checking out for the interested beginner.



Now this is one of the bigger names in UK running and are one of the largest if not the largest running outfit in the UK. Boasting over 2000 members, of which over 40% are women, Serpentine are heavily involved in running leagues as well as county and National championships.


They cater to the members from the young, to students and the elderly. Annual subscriptions for these groups are £10 while all other adults pay £25 annually. There is a joining fee of £30 as well for all newcomers.

London City Runners


This is a running club based in central London, and operate as a free membership outfit. They mmet once a week and run along the Thames from a location new London Bridge, so the scenery should be nice. They cater to people of all abilities, however you must be over 18 to join.

London City Runers

Sweatshop Running Community


This is another free membership running club which caters to people of all abilities, even using a back marker pacer to make sure nobody gets left behind.

However, as this is community behind a retail brand, they also provide incentives to long standing members, mainly in the form of ‘free stuff’. These include discounts to nutrition packs and even running shoes, over time.

Honourable Mentions

Sadly, we could not cover every club in details, so we have listed some more names for you to search for and have a think about. The options are numerous, so here are some more.

Nike Running Club

East London Runners

Wimbledon Windmilers

Virgin Money London Marathon

South London Harriers

We hope we've helped. For more activities why not check out e.curricular at www.ecurricular.com. Have a great day everyone.

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ActivHive is a community that is for the discovery, promotion and enjoyment of fun activities for everyone. These include extra-curricular activities in school, to fun activities for the older lot, including dance, martial arts, yoga, running and many more.

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Fun Activities

ActivHive is a community for the promotion, discovery, and enjoyment of fun extra curricular activities for people of all ages and likes.