A Brief History about the Nazi rise to power and the power of Propaganda.

cody webb
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2017

The playbook that the MAGA coalition used, has a few different muses for its process. Lest we all too soon forget our history, or just don’t want to admit that history is repeating itself, we must speak up before it is to late and our voice neutered..Sorry for the history lesson…ahead of time.

The MAGA coalition slithered out of the darkest corners of history, and claimed to be a voice for the unheard. Little did they know, their voice is falling upon deaf ears. You are not his people, he clearly shows his allegiance. This tactic was used consistently to help the National Socialist German Workers’ Party(nazis) rise to power. In the Reichstag elections of May 2nd 1928, the nazis only received a lackluster reception, with only 2.6 % of the nation vote, a .4% decline from the previous election. In other words they weren’t doing so hot.

When the depression hit, millions of Germans were out of work. It was common belief in Germany, that this was a direct cause of their defeat in World War 1. The misery , fear and angst, and worry of even more depressing times ahead, offered a breeding ground of narrative for Hitler to play his hand with. Hitler was a powerful speaker , whom could control you like a marionette with oratorical prowess. He tapped into that “unheard voice” that was desperate for change.

Nazi electoral propaganda was used heavily and guaranteed to pull Germany out of depression, they pledged to restore German cultural values , pull out of the Treaty of Versailles, respond to the threat of a Communism uprising, put Germans back to work and to Make Germany Great Again.

The propaganda used was very successful in portraying the Jewish community as the antagonist. With the German people’s fear directed at the Jews, and the Marxist, and the “opposition” in government, They quickly ratcheted up the message to get the biggest emotional reaction.

When Hitler and other prominent Nazi speakers would speak, they would use bespoke speeches tailored for each audience. When speaking to business men for example, they would downplay antisemitism and instead amplified their anti Communist message. When he spoke to the military, it was always about a military buildup. They would tell farmers in northern Germany, that the Nazi Government would even prop up falling agriculture prices.You get the picture. They were super politicians.They could do it all.

With a congressional deadlock looming, the Chancellor and politicians in the “Grand Coalition (Germany’s 2 major partys)” came up with a solution (not the final one..but…wait a min…:P) to dissolve parliament and hold a special election. This was essentially a government shutdown.

The Chancellor tried but failed horribly to consolidate power. The Nazis preying upon the weak minded, won 18.3% of the vote and shot to the 2nd largest party in Germany.

They played right into the Nazi stratagem. The chancellor tried for 2 more years to consolidate power into a parliamentary majority, but failed to. He was relieved of his position. When Franz von Papen was appointed; He attempted to dissolve the Reichstag again.

With the appearance of a floundering government as it’s opponent, the Nazi party brought the party 37.3 % of the popular vote in the 1932 election.

The Nazis became the largest party in the parliament. Needless to say, like a coach, when a politician does a crappy job, they tend to lose their job. His successor tried again and failed to consolidate power by dissolving the Reichstag again. This time the Nazis lost votes to the communist.

This hand was dealt to appear as a loss to the Nazis, but instead it empowered them. President Hindenburg overcame with communist paranoia, came to the assumption that the Nazi party was the sole savior of the country to prevent a communist takeover.(Nazi propaganda was strong). The Nazi propagandist amplified that paranoia tenfold.

January 30, 1933 was the day Hitler was appointed as chancellor . Hitler wasn’t elected, he was appointed by a group of conservatives who had given up on parliamentary rule. Hitler was a popular figure at the time and they wanted to play on his popularity. That worked out real well am i right?

In only 2 years following that , the Nazis had outmaneuvered their opposition to successfully consolidate power in the government to make it subservient to Hitler’s will. The rest, is …. history.

These guys are playing with fire that they truly don’t understand. They have lived in the beauty of a Free country, and are truly manipulating the values and safeguards we have in place to prevent that from happening here. We must not become victims to this historical repetition, and we must hold fast to our values and fight for them at all cost to hold and keep our Republic.

Remember, this land was built on the fire to FIGHT PEOPLE LIKE THEM.

A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.



cody webb
Extra Newsfeed

I’m here for code , research , analytics, shitty puns, memes, & any combo of.=]