American Liberalism is Dead

Packy McElroy
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2017

You guys have ruined it. It could have been great.

You go girl

Liberalism has run away from its founding principles of individual liberty, self-ownership, and equality, favoring instead the survival of the ideological group, co-ownership, and equality of outcome. By calcifying their ideology, exclusively seeking support from minority groups, demonizing dissenters, embracing cultural marxism, and making a pro-life position untenable, they have all but guaranteed crippling losses from the moderates, libertarians, and classical liberals that confederated with them during the Obama years.

They said Trump wouldn’t win. Now, they say he won’t win again. Keep it up .

There is so much much more to it than just safe spaces and PC culture: the Left simply isn’t cool anymore. Being a liberal has become antithetical to what it means to be a young person, a free thinker, a rebel or an independent spirit.

Such diversity.

After one of the largest demonstrations in history, leftists took to twitter to criticize those among them who were guilty of being not sufficiently liberal. The guilty ones? They hadn’t stopped to consider the feelings of women born without vaginas when they donned their pink pussy caps, thus marring the perfect liberal bliss of the Women’s March. Shame.

Intersectionality might be the greatest political trick the devil ever pulled. While identity politics chops up the electorate into various minority groups, it’s intersectionality that hands them each a punch card to tally their privilege points — liberal social capital; it’s fear of being intolerant that binds them all together in support for their myriad causes. In the era of tolerance, one cannot question the authenticity of someone’s identity, because in a world where gender…fuck it…everything is a societal construct, your own identity might be too fragile to defend.

What’s left for the young and the open-minded now that the ideology of the left has become so deeply afflicted? Seek shelter in the cracks opened in the center and right-wing conservation coalition? Bizarrely enough, conservatives are looking like the open-minded ones.

Check out my other writings on politics and culture, and follow me on Twitter @Packy_McElroy

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Packy McElroy
Extra Newsfeed

Free your market, and your ass will follow. Cynic, libertarian, anti-establishmentarian, looking forward to the apocalypse. Screw your cognitive dissonance.