Are you or have you ever been a Bernie Bro?

TED Talks have no value
2 min readJan 28, 2016


I know we’re not supposed to say this but I actually found Walsh’s piece to be very offensive for a number of reasons.

First the obvious ageism and elitism aimed at the young man who asked the question.

Second, Clinton is not applying to be his secretary. She is applying to be his president. Why does he get to question her? Because Clinton agreed to that format. And it is a good format for a democratic society. I want to hear all the candidates answer questions from all kinds of people. Young people, people of color, old people, disabled people, total dumbasses. Everyone. And I should hope they all have great answers to all the questions.

And this should be a question Clinton wants address anyway.

Also, Walsh claims to be mad that the young man is generalizing young people, but she goes on to generalize Sanders supporters.

Then she brought up “establishment” again. Establishment is not an insult unless you are Jeffery “The Dude” Lebowski. FDR was establishment. The pope, who is sometimes admired by liberals, is very establishment. Tesla Motors is establishment. Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa, at which point, it would be very difficult to say he wasn’t “establishment”.

Sanders made an off the cuff comment that was perhaps a gaffe, but let’s face it, the Clinton supporters are acting like the basketball player who falls to the ground to feign being fouled.

Underlining this point, Walsh accused Planned Parenthood of “having clout”. Having clout is much worse than being “establishment”. If you have clout, you’re in the back room cutting deals with representatives of Richard J Daley.

And finally, she’s throws this in. She gives a context of disavowing this statement, yet she still feels the need to enter it: “My willingness to accept Clinton as a Democratic presidential nominee doesn’t stem from any great passion for Hillary herself — though I respect her — but from my aversion to the impotent game of ‘Let’s find an insurgent candidate who will topple a centrist front-runner!’ played by the left every four to eight years.”

That is a very clear dis’ of the supporters of Sanders, and all they are working for.

And I think young people having enthusiasm about the political process is great!

