Baltimore held an Anti-Trump Rally. This is what I saw.

Benjamin Young Savage (ᐱᓐᒋᐱᓐ)
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2016

Here was a statement made by the organizers: “Donald Trump is a racist demagogue whose contributions to America began in reality TV and ended in the rise of a fascist regime. Today, we’re protesting in order to show him that he won’t receive law, order, or peace of mind for the next four years.”

The crowd begins to gather.
A large crowd of young people walk up from North Ave to join in (they were moving quick).
The numbers grow. 4, maybe 500 people.
Keep your tiny hands.
The crowd begins to move, and takes on North Avenue.
Unable to march with us, a lone young woman raises a fist in solidarity.
The crowd mobs Penn Station, completely covering its sidewalk.
Others run ahead and block the intersection as people catch up.
Tired, Duane Davis takes a break as the crowd chants “Whose streets? Our streets!”
Beneath a statue representing male & female intersecting, “Love Trumps Hate” in rainbow.
The crowd marches AGAINST traffic, bringing this street and adjacent streets to standstill.
Lit by spotlights and now numbering in thousands, the crowd seeps south.
Jubilant, Shorty practically skips, leading the crowd.
Rainbow flags, Hillary flags, and…
The crowd is now further than the eye can see. I climb atop my motorcycle for a better view.
Love Thy Neighbor
Hate NEVER made is great.
Already decorated for Christmas, the roar of the approaching crowd can be heard for blocks.
An injury to one is an injury to all.
In these streets with Shan is where I want to be.
The crowd floods the inner harbor, chanting constantly.
Day 2.
Grabs back.
For Once.
Shortly after @bydvnlln captured her being arrested; I found the cops going through her pockets.
The protesters stream through Ravens Stadium, blocking the entrance for a few minutes.
It’s now impossible to capture the entire crowd in 1 photo.
As they pass, a tiny contingent of police “chase” them.



Benjamin Young Savage (ᐱᓐᒋᐱᓐ)
Extra Newsfeed

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