POETRY NEWZ: Stephen Miller Inaugurates The Antiheroic Epic Genre

Margot Machado
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2017

Beowulf 2017, The Antiheroic Epic

LO, hear the praise of Stephen Miller,

LOL, ball-headed demagogue who

Sets the tone for the ages.

Behold his prowess at irritation.

Praise the pale-faced, pin-headed,

Crushed man, small, shrinking

Beyond the possibilities that size allows.


Born in moral squalor, in 2002, as an already

Fully-formed 17-year-old prick. Not a single

Morsel of ethics to share among this family of five.

Behold, the heir to immigrants,

Stone-set his desire to keep everyone at bay,

Hierarchizing as many populations below him

As words allow, desperate to hide his own mediocrity.

How he sways, moans, comes, if he can just make

You angry enough to pay him attention.


Now barely 31, a good asshole he!

Rolled into lordly burg with nothing in tow

Other than the broken fragments of his spine,

Hastily packed, rarely tended, never used,

Stuffed into a Breitbart tote bag.

The master repays him –the minstrel

amuses- for his display of outrage

hysterics, wrathful theatrics, his pointing of

a broken gangrenous finger in lieu of arguments.


If he may not soon be gone from the land,

Let him at least leave my screens.

Let him find his true trade elsewhere,

In Argentina perhaps? Tending the flowers

Adorning the graves of the Nazis that bolted.

A dour-to-dour salesman? Bullying great-aunts

Into buying three types of carrot peelers?

Cain’s spiritual kin, prior to reformation

And redemption. How easily he forgets

Where his brothers’ bodies are buried.


Such heaping of horrors the hater of men,

Lonely roamer, wrought unceasing,

Harassings heavy.*

These last three lines are from the real Beowulf, they’re just so fitting! Additional verses in the comments are reaaaaally welcome.

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Margot Machado
Extra Newsfeed

Check out my writing and doodles! Mostly satire and jokes with a sprinkle of politics. More doodles on IG @jenesaiswha. Call your representatives: 202 224 3121