Biden restored Obama-era rules for spelling

According to a new report that aired on CNN Live Stream, President Joseph R. Biden passed an executive order to restore the spelling rules of the Obama-era.

Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2021


The U.S. president’s official act, which has been largely anticipated, brings the country back into the list of spelling-observant nations after four long years as a pariah state.

According to a provision of the order, “I” will, in a majority of cases, return to its conventional placement before the letter “E.” But, this provision will not apply in instances when both letters are placed after the letter “C.”

Fox News’ critics of Biden wasted no time in disapproving his “blatant agenda of pro-spelling,” naming the mandate “divisive” and “overreaching.”

“Joe Biden is telling the whole U.S. that there’s just one way to spell–his way,” said Tucker Carlson.

“My friends, it’s going to be long four years,” he added.

Carlson’s criticism seemed to have little impact on Biden, who afterward signed an executive order forbidding the nouns’ random capitalizations.



Nathan Enzo
Extra Newsfeed

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