#BlackLivesMatter protests the death of #ReginaldThomas

Less than a couple hours after the Los Angeles Black Lives Matter protested police brutality, Reginald Thomas was tased and beaten to death in Pasadena after calling 911 for help.

I arrived 20 minutes after the organized protest began, just as people began marching.

The crowd was huge, easily more than double the size of the celebrity-filled protest that happened on Sunset Blvd. the day before.
As we march, the crowd grows. At this point, I’d estimate to around 200 people. Unlike last night, there is no attempt to keep everyone on sidewalks, and the protestors take up a full traffic lane.
We pass over the 210, cars streaming below us.
We stop every so often, and check in with each other. Jasmine Abdullah (who was arrested on the charge of “lynching” earlier this year) leads the crowd in chants and moments of silence.
A police chopper circles wildly overhead illuminating the scene, but if police a present, they keep their distance and don’t antagonize. Coming from Baltimore, it is odd to see this many people out with seeing police in close proximity, though I’m very glad they aren’t here.
Signs are made from everything; cardboard, paper, even ripped up advertisements. Though I’m used to seeing European American supporters out, I’ve never seen this many at a protest. People of all races are out, Asian American and Latinx American groups making up a strong portion.
A LOT of parents are out here with their kids, which I was also surprised at. Carrying them on shoulders, pushing them in strollers, and one young man at on a battery-powered speaker cart leading the chants.

Action started intensifying at this point, so I switched to Periscope to broadcast live.

Some of the highlights of the video are:

  • Speech by Jasmine Abdullah about Reginald Thomas (also known as JR Thomas)
  • Movement to Old Town Pasadena to disrupt the nightlife down there
  • Intentional blocking of an intersection.
  • Using European Americans on the perimeter to block roads and protect African, Latinx and Asian Americans in the center (African Americans are most vulnerable to police brutality).
  • An attempt by a yellow Jeep Wrangler to ram the crowd (no one is hurt, I’m unable to catch the license plate)
  • Using European Americans to clear a safe way back to the scene of the crime past police vehicles.
  • Comparing Periscope commenters and trolls with my friend Amber Dawn.
  • A moment of silence and candlelighting at the scene of JR Thomas’ house

A LOT of people commented on the Periscope, so I did my best to answer questions and to narrate what was going on as they came in.

I also loaded the video into YouTube as well, which as lot clearer and stabilized, but does not have the comments.



Benjamin Young Savage (ᐱᓐᒋᐱᓐ)
Extra Newsfeed

Independent Abolitionist • Graphic/Artist • Rez Raised/Interracial Family/MK • 🧔🏻👧🏽👦🏽 • 🌸🐯 • 👨🏻‍💻 @Zerflin • 🇺🇸🇨🇦 • 🇮🇪🇵🇱