BLM is Marxist, Run for Your Comfortable Lives!

Noah Randolph
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
7 min readJul 19, 2020

The right wing, doing what they‘ve done your whole adult life, is again trying to scare you (You, the pragmatic centrist who doesn’t understand why no one else can see that there is no scenario in any of the parallel universes in which we move forward in America with everyone getting their way) into submission. This time they’ve pulled out one of their decades old hits, that “organization X is communist and they’re plotting to take over the US of A,” where X = Black Lives Matter (BLM).

I’m going to break this down for you. Is BLM a Marxist organization?

The answer is “Who gives a shit?”

“Oh you’d like that, wouldn’t you? You’d like them to turn us all communist.”

No, … you twit. My thesis is ‘it doesn’t matter’. I’m saying the fact that BLM may be Marxist is orthogonal to their utility to all of us right now. Yes, I say all of us, not just black Americans, and yes I said ‘orthogonal.’ Stay tuned to find out what that means.

Let’s start off with (dare I say) a common understanding, which is that the vast majority of recent protests have been motivated by the impunity that American police officers enjoy, particularly when committing violence against black people.

Now is the part where a right wing person says “BLM doesn’t do anything about black people killing other black people, so I hate them.”

How about I hate you for not doing anything about black people killing other black people? Why is it this one organization’s responsibility? How did you get to become the monarch who enumerates all the work to be done but doesn’t lift a finger?

I-M-P-U-N-I-T-Y. That means when a police officer unjustly kills a black person, it is unusual for them as perpetrator to pay a price for the murder. Contrast that with black-on-black violence, in which the perpetrator is tried, found guilty, and sent to prison.

We are concerned about the part where the cop gets to go home after his murder. That’s the part we are talking about. Okay?

So you see, black people killing other black people is orthogonal to the whole bloody, wretched point here.

Orthogonal. I promised a definition. It comes from math, where two vectors are 90 degrees apart from each other. The cosine of 90 degrees equals zero, so in math you say those two vectors’ similarity is ZERO. Practically, it means controlling one thing does not make another thing change. If I want my car to move forward, I don’t turn the steering wheel. If I want to dim my phone, I don’t adjust the volume. If I want police to be held accountable, I damn sure don’t look to black people who kill other black people.

In other words, if you were able to somehow control the rate at which black people kill other black people, you wouldn’t be controlling the level of impunity police have in America. The two goals are orthogonal and anyone who tries to conflate them either lacks integrity or understanding.

Now, back to Marxism. There’s no scenario in which people say “I like BLM, oh let me just elect a bunch of communists to run America now.” And somehow anti-cop-impunity-protest leaders convince the US, the most powerful nation this globe has ever seen, to follow Cuba, mi cholita favorita, and the collapsed Soviet Union, into the dumpster?

China is communist, but I guess they’re not black communists, since we love having China make all of our products for us. Imagine if BLM, instead of China, made our products for us. Bubba and his AK would never let that happen.

From the Black Lives Matter site’s ‘about us’ section: “abolition of systems and institutions of white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy and colonialism.” If I imagine myself as a black American (it’s called empathy), who grew up in some Georgia rough area, who went to a public school (funded by property taxes- or lack thereof- where I grew up in this scenario), I would completely agree with the statement on the Black Lives Matter site. Not until black Americans’ economic situation improved would I ever think otherwise. In fact, I am amazed at how non-violent these past protests have been, because I don’t think I would be able to be that calm in this imagined scenario. But that’s why MLK Jr. is who he is and I am who I am (a middle class white guy who’s had several lucky breaks, and who would no doubt be a preferred job candidate over an equally qualified black person- this is called institutional rascism).

To just keep throwing up excuses like “marxism” condemns us to the perpetual situation we are in. I, and many others who grew up in this, are sick and tired of it. We don’t want to keep living in a world like this. I can’t choose to ignore the plight of my friends, relatives, and fellow citizens of color. BLM is pushing the issue of police impunity in the right direction, so I support it for that, and so should you.

I won’t support it for whatever its political philosophy is, neither would the majority of Americans. But again, that’s an orthogonal issue. An issue you ignore every time you purchase just about anything, since everything is made in China.

Lastly, had we learned anything from the 50,000+ American lives we wasted in Vietnam, and the violent dictatorships we covertly installed all over the Americas, and the McCarthyism that turned Americans against Americans, it would have been that bad ideologies fail on their own. They don’t need our help.

Have faith that we’re on the right side of history, with respect to our democratic republic and our capitalist society, and that in America, you are free to speak your mind, no matter if it’s about your love for Karl Marx or your love for Alex Jones. Anything less than that is (in the words of Sean Hannity and the rest of the old Iraq 2003 cheerleading squad) un-American. The American governmental institutions are the best worst option to last us until the inevitable collapse, asteroid strike, or heat death of the universe.

Thesis portion is over. Moving on to a digression now. Revisting the black-on-black violence thing.

Even 2013 Don Lemon is wrong. Why? Because (as you already know, you smart son-of-a-bitch) correlation does not equal causation. He got it wrong and he’s even black!

There isn’t data that concludes that any of the points made in his segment causes police impunity with respect to violence against black people, which, if it were true, would negate the utility of BLM (the original topic of this conversation).

On top of that, what do you want them to do about it (assuming you watched the old Don Lemon video linked to above and know what I’m talking about)? Do you think pulling up of pants, stopping the n-word from being said, or any other ‘thug-life’ such and such will magically make violence stop?

Yes you do, but of course, it won’t. It won’t because it’s family, economics, and education (FEE) that will stop it. You see there’s a FEE required (remember Team America? “freedom isn’t free, naw there’s a hefty fuckin’ fee”). Well, you and I can’t much do anything about the family part. We can’t force marriages on people, so we’re left with economics and education. We’re going to have to squeeze economics and education so hard that family shows up, in much the same way that you start a family of your own after you gain sufficient economic power and education… 🤯.

Economics allows someone time to educate themself. With the ability to not work over 50 hours per week, one’s cognitive decay through all the mind-draining retail hours is lessened. On top of that, education quality must be at a sufficient level for the time allotted to be worth the time spent. I’m just telling you the exact situation your white ass was raised in.

How’s the education quality in predominately black communities? Most of the time it’s not so good. Why is that? Because sound economics are required to create good education, and the economics of education lie in the property taxes raised by the community. Which community, you ask? The one that’s lacking in economics. No, not the one your white ass grew up in. The one in which your mom told you to lock your door when you drove through it as a kid.

In summary, instead of trying to tell people how to stop surviving in the situation that you and/or your ancestors led them to, get off your white ass and treat these people like the comrades that, after 400 years, they are and deserve to be!

Instead of talking about how their ideals are wrong and your ideals are right (News flash, they’re not always right. See Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s ban on face mask laws amidst thousands of Georgians perishing to their deaths due to airborne microbes in 2020). In fact, abandon all of your ideals, right or left, in favor of pragmatism. I will love you for it.

