BRANDED! Ivanka Trump’s Brand Goes In The Dumps!

Thank you, GOD, (now awaiting the inevitable trials. Amen).

Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed
3 min readJul 25, 2018


MAD LIBS! — Ivanka is a Feckless ________ (Noun) !!!

Ah, we DO have a PASSION for Fashion! We like to look nice, and we buy various articles of clothing to facilitate this.

Sadly for some, but HILARIOUSLY for me, Ivanka Trump’s Clothing Line is failing (much like her father’s continence). It will pass into the annals of history like Eva Braun’s line of personal female hygiene products, and Squeaky Fromme’s memorable line of perfumes called “Fragrances of Insanity”.

Ivanka’s clothing had been in the news for being manufactured in sweatshops under inhumane human conditions, and also because she had a line of scarves that would…


BURST INTO FLAMES due to being insanely flammable… and were the perfect, festive, holiday gift for that special someone you’d like to see running around on fire and screaming.

So, there were already some problems with Ivanka’s line of clothes DESPITE the president of China, Xi Jinping, granting 34 trademarks in China that would allow her to capitalize on her brand in the world’s second-largest economy. IRONICALLY this has nothing to do with her father Donald Trump deciding to save the Chinese telecommunications company, ZTE (voted the #1 smartphone to bypass US security!) at that same time. It’s just a coincidence. One of many, many, many, coincidences… (tee hee).

Here’s the big problem. The nail in the Ivanka brand’s coffin, that I wish was in Donald’s…

See, it’s not fashionable to wear sweatshop clothes. It used to be because we used to be a bunch of dicks, and now it’s not. Because now, we’re not supposed to be a bunch of dicks (hint, hint, Far Right). It’s true. We’re not.

BUT, the big, BIG rule of fashion and ALL major fashion brands adhere to this:
NEVER wear clothes manufactured by a family that kidnaps small children and babies, puts them in cages, terrifies and abuses them, and has no plans in place to ever reunite them with their parents.

This is why the Witch from Hansel & Gretel’s clothing line eventually failed.
Here’s the optics for Trump’s brand of insane cruelty, (not to be confused with Trump’s various acts of overt treason).

Bad Marketing — for Trump-branded recognition. PS welcome to America :(

So, Ivanka’s poorly made, blood-soaked garments lay unsold in stores across the nation like piles of chlamydia with sub-par stitching. And her brand is as dead as all of Donald Trump’s brain cells are. Hopefully soon to be followed by the rest of him…

da da da da da, — Inspector Gadget!

Written by Steven W. Rouach

©2018 SWRouach



Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed

Is a carbon based life form from Earth. Anyone who tells you he's not is absolutely lying. He's known for being dashing, heroic & humanity's last, best, hope.