Clinton’s Claim of Sanders’ Aspirations Being too High Misses the Big Picture

Jim Barilla
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2016

Since the possibility of Bernie Sanders winning both the Iowa Democratic Caucus and New Hampshire Democratic Primary has been becoming more of a possibility than a pipe dream for those Feeling the Bern, the establishment and pro-Hillary attack dogs have been mudslinging characterizations and accusations at the Vermont Senator in an attempt to have something — anything — stick that could cast doubt on Bernie’s candidacy for President of the United States. Out of all of them, there is one issue I fear the Clinton Campaign and Democratic establishment may be successfully burying beneath their mixture of some valid and some dishonest hyperbole in attacking Sanders, and it is, in my opinion, the single most important issue as it relates to Bernie Sander’s platform.

Never mind the fact that under the direction of President Chad Griffin (who by the way started his political career with the Bill Clinton Presidential Campaign and was rewarded with a job in the White House Press Office at the age of 19 during Clinton’s Administration), the Human Rights Campaign made its earliest endorsement ever in a Democratic Primary race and first before any votes were even cast yet. This is despite the fact that Hillary supported the Defense of Marriage Act and Bernie opposed it and the fact that to this day Bernie holds a 100% rating with the HRC while Hillary holds a 89% rating.

Never mind the fact that when unions and political organizations democratically select their endorsements by having their members vote on it, Bernie wins in landslides while any time endorsements are made by the top brass Hillary gets it.

Never mind the fact that long time Clinton ally and multiple super PAC organizer David Brock (who also is “formerly” more conservative) claimed black lives don’t matter to Bernie despite the fact his record in advocating for civil rights as both an activist and elected official are impeccable.

The single most disingenuous attack by the Clinton machine has been the fact that Bernie’s plans are pie in the sky while her plans (as vague as they are) are more realistic. Whether it is on healthcare, college tuition, breaking up the big banks or a number of other parts of Bernie’s platform, Clinton has been characterizing the plans as unfeasible and too big of a battle, citing the Affordable Care Act debate in Congress. Why is this the single most disingenuous attack on Bernie’s campaign? It completely ignores the most important part of Bernie’s platform: campaign finance reform.

Everything Clinton uses as an excuse for her claim that Bernie’s plans are unattainable is set on the premise of politics as usual in Washington. The reason Bernie has so many supporters that are liberal, independent, and conservative is based on two factors: 1. He is authentic with a record to back it up. 2. His campaign is about triggering a political revolution centered on removing the revolving door in DC and mitigating the influence of Big Money interests in our political system.

Will it be an overnight wave of a magic wand and then all of a sudden everybody plays nice in Washington? No, that is fantasy land and nobody supporting Bernie expects it. We all want the system to change and know it is going to take more than just showing up to vote twice this year. Many of us already do a lot more than just vote. That’s what the political revolution is about — getting everyday people involved and active in the processes so a system can be created that works for everyone not just those writing the biggest checks. This is why Clinton’s accusations of Bernie’s plans being too ambitious are invalid and it needs to not get lost in all of the mud they are slinging around.



Jim Barilla
Extra Newsfeed

A Politically Engaged Millenial, Participated on the Ground in the Occupy Protests, A Human and Social Services Professional, A Father & Husband