Devin Nunes Files Lawsuit Against Hanna Barbera for Use of Likeness!

“Scourge of Bedrock” files another multi-million dollar suit.

Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed
4 min readApr 12, 2019



The first thing you’ll notice about Devin Nunes is his head.

It’s incongruous because usually, one would usually only see a head like that emerge from behind a zipper, or in a pornographic film. As many of us, especially women, can attest to — seeing it when not prepared to see it… can be very jarring. (See the ruling from; Female Comediennes vs. Louis C.K., 2016, for reference)

Here’s a picture of Scary-Porn-Monster, Ron Jeremy, exposing his Nunes at a local airport! WARNING — This Image is Not Suitable for Work… or outside of work.

(Photo) Cocaine-&-Hooker-Boat passenger, Ron Jeremy, EXPOSING HIS NUNES.

So, “Penisy” Devin Nunes is upset. Not only did a bowling ball roughly carved out of stone fall off a high shelf in his closet hitting him on the head, causing him to become a total dick (to match his aforementioned, unsettling, “head”), but he’s also upset that:

  • newspapers write about the CREEPY stuff he’s up to,
  • and that American heroes like Devin Cow point out his foibles on Twitter,
  • AND that Hanna Barbera has stolen his likeness.

Here’s a photo of Devin Nunes, suffering the concussion that turned him from being a regular, completely unlikable, douchebag, into a total disgrace to his horrified relatives.

I know. Very upsetting.

SO, are there merits in Nunes lawsuit? Here’s Nunes with his attorney.

So, I later spoke with Mr. Nunes’ attorney Mr. Nomor Al Compass, who enlightened me with these thoughts:

“Tee hee hee! That Devin Nunes keeps exposing his head and he also looks a LOT like Fred Flintstone, but more penisy! We plan to sue for $12 trillion dollars, a car made from stone & wood that doesn’t have an engine, a large sentient cat & semi-sentient dinosaur, a washing machine powered by elephants, and a bird that can use its beak to play records, which are also made of stone. Tee hee hee!”

— Nomor Al Compass

Sobering thoughts, indeed.

Now, to be diligent is a big part of being a journalist, so to uncover the facts I searched for a photo of Nunes’ yearbook picture and I found THIS allegation that, thus far, has NOT yet been proven false!

It really makes you think…

I then attempted to contact the grapefruit mentioned but was thwarted by its citrus family’s request for privacy, whose wishes I respected.

Here’s another photo of Ron Jeremy exposing his Nunes, taken years earlier.

I know. I was upset by this too.

So, does Devin Nunes have a legal leg to stand on with his stupid bare foot?

Will he testify in court on his own, or just be hanging out of some guy’s trousers?

What do YOU think? — Let us know in the comments below!

Written by Steven W. Rouach

FUN FACT: Every time you give a round of applause at the bottom of the page of one of my stories, I literally leap up and take a bow. True story.
©2019 SWRouach



Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed

Is a carbon based life form from Earth. Anyone who tells you he's not is absolutely lying. He's known for being dashing, heroic & humanity's last, best, hope.