Where Angels Fear
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
5 min readMay 24, 2020


Evil Musk

It seems to me that Twitter might be a blessing in disguise … an early warning system: See this person who spends all their time posting utter tripe on Twitter … they’re a nutjob — don’t make them President/Prime Minister/CEO/whatever.

I said Elon Musk was an insufferable twat years before it became fashionable to do so … years before he discovered Twitter and started his ongoing public breakdown.

But now everyone can see it.

The Internet, World Wide Web and Social Media have given platforms to paranoid schizophrenics and other mentally fragile individuals to propagate their ravings further than ever before in the history of the World. That they are in such a position, however, does not make them any less demented than their sandwich-board bedecked antecedents prophesying The End Of The World Any Day Now, You Mark My Spittle-Flecked Words — 5G is not an Illuminati conspiracy to bring about ‘the NWO’ by way of infecting everyone with microchips … either get a grip or get some help for your (very serious) mental issues.

Conspiracy Clown — Symbolism Of The Illuminati
Conspiracy Clown — Nationalist World Order

Nor is the pseudo-rational claptrap spouted by sociopaths and narcissists any less propaganda for an agenda because it’s broadcast with an emotionally rousing fanfare of ‘liberty’ and ‘free speech’ and cheered by halfwit, pantie-wetting fanbois and flag-waving zealots who reach for their guns every time they hear the word ‘cult-sure’. You’re not a patriot for risking others’ lives nor are you a liberator of The People from tyranny for pursuing wealth under any circumstances, let alone during a pandemic — granting people the opportunity to choose between potential death from disease or penury is not a humanitarian act.

It’d be almost karmic if he were on one of his manned missions to Mars and, unlike Apollo 13, it wasn’t coming back … because the crew got sick. Failing that though, I doubt many people would be disappointed to learn that he’d become stuck in an underwater cave system and it might not be possible to rescue him before the oxygen ran out in his mini-submarine. But, should neither of those two eventualities come to pass, it would be wonderfully satisfying to learn he’d been jailed and, due to the current pandemic, the only accommodation that could be given a clean bill of health was in the nonces’ wing¹.

Whatever happens though, Prince’s estate should definitely sue him for ‘look and feel’ over what he’s called his kid. People say “But Frank Zappa called his kids ‘Dweezil’ and ‘Moon Unit’.” Yeah, but their dad was Frank Zappa. This poor tyke’s sire is Elon Musk! Adam Sandler went up in my estimation when he said “I don’t believe in beating my kids. So I make them wear a Justin Bieber shirt and Crocs to school so the other kids will do it for me.” Imagine what’s gonna happen to poor old Estramay Aleph (or whatever²) when some kids at school learn that his father is the one who forced theirs back to work to catch a virus and die.

Is this the first time I’ve penned a character assassination of a living individual? Almost certainly not. But it isn’t gratuitous: the guy displays prominent hallmarks of a sociopathic narcissist … and is now endangering lives in the name of … what? A week’s worth of profit margin? No-one’s civil liberties are being unduly infringed by an oppressive regime because they’ve been told to stay home for a couple of months or so, in order to ensure a deadly disease, with no cure, doesn’t spread any further than it already has. If the economy is going tits up as a result and you’re worried about your livelihood then, instead of protesting about measures to save lives (including your own), just maybe you should be protesting a plutocratic elite³ that has ensured that you will suffer whilst they profit even when there is no pandemic preventing you from earning an insultingly small amount of the return on your labour so that your employer and their investors can become not simply obscenely but ludicrously wealthy.

Monty Python’s Life Of Brian — He’s Not The Messiah

¹ I can’t promise you that, in later years, there’d be a delightful misunderstanding on the part of younger generations who would barely know any of the details and you’d hear people say things like “Elon Musk? Wasn’t he that paedo guy who drowned those kids in his submarine?” … but it’d be hilarious it there were, wouldn’t it?

² I prefer Anodyne Impulse myself (it’s more Skinny Puppy-ish) … but it’s all a mater of taste (or the lack thereof), isn’t it?

³ The psycholinguistically sanitised term for ‘robber barons’, ‘crooks’, ‘gangsters’, ‘mafia’, etc.

⁴ Thieves and murderers, in other words.



Where Angels Fear
Extra Newsfeed

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live and too rare to die.