Fascism…e tu`?

Temi A
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
Nov 8, 2020

Just to be clear, if you supported Donald Trump — even from afar — you supported Fascism, plain and simple. He was not a US Republican, he was an extremist. If you don’t know what Fascism or Extremism means, look it up, and also look up other Fascist world leaders there have been over the course of history.

Make sure to set your internet browser to private mode, because your internet algorithm has already been compromised. This has led you to believe you’re obtaining information from ‘outside the box,’ from random right wing males on YouTube. But really, you’ve just been *radicalized* online, the sad victim of algorithmic censorship. You’ve lost your ability to critically think about and investigate issues and determine fact from fiction. That’s what Fascist leaders do, and have always done — capitalize on fear, muddy the waters between truth and fiction (extremely easy with social media and YouTube), and bombard you with propaganda — until you believe what they are saying.

You have been on the wrong side of history, and unfortunately like others radicalized at different stages over time before you, now embarrassed, with blood on their hands, horrified by their previous actions; only the passage of time will reveal the totality of your sad, disgraceful truth.



Temi A
Extra Newsfeed
Writer for

University degrees in Social Science and Journalism, a life lived worldwide, and a cheeky sense of humour.