Five Things You Can Do to Combat Trump Fatigue

Stephen H Stein
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2017
  1. Don’t look at Twitter. Seriously, anything bird shaped on your phone— look away. Avert your eyes. But first go to your settings and turn off your alerts and notifications. Twitter is poison ivy for your brain. And there’s no app or salve to calm all that painful itching and rhetoric.
  2. Put your head in the sand. I know. This is a tough one. Everyone makes fun of ostriches for this exact thing. But do it. Make a hole deep enough to hide a bowling ball. Put your head in it. Use one of those bendable straws they sell at 7–11 for $1.99 so you get air. And then scoop the sand you dug out for the bowling ball around your ears and neck. Yes, you’ll get sand in your ears, but do you hear that? Listen? Do you hear it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Who’s laughing at the ostriches now? No one!
    (If you don’t have sand, dirt works, too.)
  3. Tequila.
  4. Turn off the internet, tv, and radio. Read a book published before 1946. Perhaps the Collected Poems of W.H. Auden. Or Animal Farm. Wait, no, not Animal Farm.
  5. (I don’t have a fifth one. This should have been called Four Things You Can Do to Combat Trump Fatigue. Sorry. And to be honest, #1 and #3 are probably your best bets. Good luck!)

