Ground Control to Major Tom: Elon Musk’s Miracle

Cynthia Dagnal-Myron
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2018
Falcon Heavy, the world’s most powerful rocket, lifts off. AP Photo

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Trump wants a military parade. Of course he does. All dictators do.

But did you see this?

And I’m sorry, but I have to see those boosters stick the landing again, too:

Yeah, the middle booster apparently missed its mark out there in the sea somewhere. I know. But…do you really care?

This wasn’t just for show. This wasn’t just for ego. Elon Musk is putting his money not just where his dreams are, but into projects that may matter far more than we can readily imagine today.

As with all of space exploration, past and present, the skills it takes just to do something like this always lead us to discoveries with implications far beyond space flight. This particular launch has also shown us that the cost of space flight itself can be cut considerably, with “reusable” boosters.

But what was priceless about this launch was that it was done…now. When we need, so desperately, to be reminded that there are people out there who are just forging ahead, doing daring, delightful and meaningful things in the midst of the political chaos we face everyday.

In fact, when he’s not literally preparing for life on mars — I hope you heard Bowie break into that song in the midst of it all — Elon Musk has been offering much-needed assistance to communities down here on Planet Earth as well.

A few years ago, I watched a documentary about Tesla’s Powerpack and Powerwall battery systems, which could someday replace our conventional power grid completely. Right now, he’s using those batteries to bring power back to parts of Puerto Rico, where vast areas are still off grid.

Trump…did this:

Okay, that’s not fair. He sent FEMA. And lots of real assistance. Grudgingly and belatedly. And we’re done now, they’ve just announced. Even though a whole lot of people are still suffering mightily.

Musk, on the other hand, is picking up the slack. He knows how. He hooked up Kauai a few years ago — here’s the lowdown:

Yep. Clean energy. No fossil fuels, less or even no dependence on foreign sources — I wonder why we’re not hearing more about this?

Just kidding. I know why. And you know why, too. So let’s move on. Like Elon. Who prefers to teach by example, apparently.

So while the politicians and other less progressive money men bicker and balk, here’s live video of the Starman cruising in space (it goes off and on, but check it out anyway), to remind you that Elon’s out there doing the impossible.

Until we all get the idea that nothing is. And start dreaming bigger. And doing more.

God speed, Major Tom — say “Hi” to Bowie for us. And THANK YOU, Elon…



Cynthia Dagnal-Myron
Extra Newsfeed

Award-winning former features reporter for the Chicago Sun Times and Arizona Daily Star, HuffPo contributor and author.