
Help, I’ve fallen and I cant get up ~TrumpCare

Are you tired of winning yet?

Lena Danger
Extra Newsfeed


What just happened?

Moderate republicans and democrats said NO to this abomination, for the SAME reasons. They care about the human toll and it was safe to SUPPORT their constituents. This bill totally sucked. The WH kept giving shit to the crazy ass freedom caucus and removing all the things people like about the ACA. The moderates were dropping like flies and saying NO to Trump/RyanIDONTCARE!

This is a big win, because it’s about numbers. Once you swing a yes to a no, it’s a big victory. This stupid bill was LOSING throughout the day, because the WH were appeasing to Freedom Caucus, that didn’t think the bill went far in enough in rewarding the RICH. So the WH kept stripping everything, cuz they are greedy and dumb and can’t govern themselves out of a paper bag.

They were playing to the FC — not knowing they would lose the Yes votes from the Moderates. They say, Ryan would not have even got 50% of the votes, it was tanking so hard.

I don’t know if there will be no more attempts. Ryan said, “Obamacare is the law of the land”. AND he says he won’t work with Democrats, even though Trump wants him to. They’ll probably just move on to the next abomination.

I hope the Dems have finally found their spine, because WE THE PEOPLE ARE PISSED OFF. We drove this Bill into the ground.

Kinda related: I am glad they are gonna filibuster Gorsuck. I hope they will win this one and make the Pubs put up a NEW judge. That Gorsuck guy is coate shill.

Fighting Trumpism

“Don’t gloat, organize.” ~Keith Ellison

Yeah Keith, that’s all well and good, but I’m gonna gloat tonight…
The good guys won today 3/24/17.
The Pubs lost!

And it’s BECAUSE we Mobilized and Organized and showed up! We need to take credit and celebrate this win.


People are ORGANICALLY, speaking out and fighting back.

This ain’t over…



Lena Danger
Extra Newsfeed

Forced to Retire, ex-Ford Manager. Detroiter & Northern Michigander. Activist. Good Trouble-maker.