“He’s Not Even Hiding It Anymore” — ANYMORE?

Sandra Wade
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
5 min readJun 10, 2018

Let’s face it. This weekend’s G-7 meeting was a disaster, and the result seems to be the fragmentation of our bonds with our closest allies. The photo above, of German Chancellor Angela Merkel levying bitter side-eye on Trump, seems to sum up how Trump is now regarded by our allies after acting like a petulant child the entire time.

He showed up late for nearly everything, left early, pissed off everyone, whined at a press conference about “fake news”, and seemed to use the G-7 meeting for one reason and one reason only — to advocate for Russia’s inclusion. This, despite the fact that a) Russia’s economy is small, with a GDP half the size of California’s, b) Russia is currently under the grip of a dictator whose “democratic” elections are a scam, c) Russia was cast out of what was formerly known as the G-8 for its illegal expansion into Crimea, d) Vladimir Putin is a murderous dictator who shows no compunction about eliminating his opponents in broad daylight, even when they reside on foreign soil. Just ask the U.K.

After the meeting, Trump went on a big broflake whine on Twitter about Canada (YES, CANADA!!! Our closest ally!), leveling a whole bunch of accusations out of nowhere against his new rival du jour, Justin Trudeau.

What was the point of all this storm and bluster against world leaders we respected as friends during previous administrations? Who benefits from this discord and conflict? Certainly not the United States. We need our formerly close alliances with Europe and Canada, for a whole host of reasons.

Guess who benefits from the U.S.’s new trade war against just about EVERYBODY on the planet who runs a democracy, and this bullying-enforced isolationism?

After this trainwreck of a meeting, I was astonished to see a lot of media pundits exclaiming, “Trump isn’t even HIDING his collusion with Putin anymore.”

Have these people been sleeping under a rock the last couple of years?

NOW, 1.5 years into our national nightmare, and after 22 indictments by the Mueller investigation into possible collusion of Trump’s campaign with Russia, it’s starting to dawn on people: “Y’know..Trump JUST MIGHT BE working for Putin.”

It’s not like Trump didn’t do the following during his campaign:

  1. Call out for Russia to find Hillary’s missing emails

2. Praise Vladimir Putin every chance he got, a pattern he exhibited on Twitter even BEFORE he ran for President:

Trump sounds like a 12 yr old eager to make friends at a new middle school

3. Repeatedly lied about his business interests in Russia, and the amount of time he spent there.

But the media was too busy salivating over “Her emails”!

It’s not like Hillary Clinton wasn’t screaming at us to pay attention to Trump’s shady ties to Russia. As usual, nobody pays attention to the woman who ends up being prescient, and nobody gives her credit after the fact. Instead, the media keeps insinuating she should go away. At best, they question her relevance; at worst, they claim she is harming the Democratic party.

It’s not like Trump’s compatriots weren’t loudly advertising their connections to Wikileaks, or Julian Assange, or taking great glee in the illegal hack and subsequent broadcast of DNC emails. Some even “predicted” the leak in advance.

The seemingly psychic Trump buddy, Roger Stone, eerily predicted WIkileak’s release of Podesta’s emails. Uncanny!!

It’s not like Don Jr., one of Trump’s Beavis and Butthead sons, didn’t stupidly release his OWN emails that proved the Trump Tower meeting WASN’T about Russian adoption, but was instead about digging up dirt on Clinton. The buffoon totally incriminated himself and didn’t even seem to realize it.

It’s not like Jeff Sessions didn’t commit perjury when he lied about his meetings with Russian officials.

It’s not like Trump didn’t convince the RNC to suspiciously change its platform on the Ukraine at the Republican National Convention, which was apparently crawling with Russian government officials.

It’s not like Paul Ryan wasn’t caught on tape saying, “I think Putin pays Trump.”

It’s not like Trump didn’t give Russian officials classified information early in his presidency.

Trump and Russian officials laugh at the gullibility of the American people and media

It’s not like Trump hasn’t refused to implement the sanctions against Russia that Congress voted on.

It’s not like Trump didn’t show he couldn’t care less about Russia’s PROVEN election meddling by indicating he is just going to take Putin’s word for it that there was no interference, directly contradicting his own CIA, FBI, and congressional investigations of said meddling.

It’s not like Putin hasn’t appeared on Russian television regularly to troll the U.S. and brag about how he controls Trump. He recently revealed that he and Trump speak frequently by phone, maybe as often as Trump and his true-blue lover Sean Hannity do.


I could go on and on.

Goddamit, mainstream media, do your fucking jobs for once. It isn’t that hard. Trump and his co-conspirators are the most OBVIOUS, hapless, careless, ridiculously stupid criminals ever.

It’s not like our entire democracy and the fate of our most vulnerable citizens doesn’t hang in the balance here.

Copyright 2018 S. Wade



Sandra Wade
Extra Newsfeed

Actor, filmmaker, writer and sexy cat lady.. Currently showing at a festival near you: http://www.mailorderbridefilm.com/