Ignorance & Bliss for Trump’s Dwindling Base.

Free-basing from Trump’s crack-pipe. (The crack of his ass.)

Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed
5 min readJun 5, 2020


“DON’T DO IT, STEVE!” / “Keanu say Matrix?” image by author.)

Today is my birthday. So, I thought I’d reminisce about an experience I had nearly four years ago… when I was 112,962 years younger than I am now.

A very nice black man who was also an amateur pharmacist named Morpheus showed me some pills and kindly explained to me what each pill did, shortly before local police handcuffed him over a minor infraction and then took turns sitting on his head until he passed out.

One pill makes you bigger, (but not in any way that matters),… one pill makes you small (which would be convenient when I want to clean those hard-to-reach places in my apartment).

Then there were what he called “Matrix Pills”.

One pill enlightens you to what’s going on around you in terms of REALITY. The other gives you an idealized version of an approximation of the world around you -as seen through lunacy-colored glasses.

So, the choices are; the pill that reveals the dire, grim, sorrowful, tragic, disastrous, calamitous, catastrophic, cataclysmic, devastating, dreadful, appalling, horrendous, gruesome, awful, miserable, wretched, unfortunate, lamentable, grievous, galling and unpleasant truth about Donald Trump’s terrifying reign of madness and the consequences of his deadly lethal and fatally comedic atrocities, or, taking the pill to remain in blissful ignorance, like a happy idiot. A life of not being scared as EXTREMELY SCARY things unfold around you.

Seems like a no-brainer. And yet…

Silly me takes the reality pill. I cannot put into words how less happy I am.

So, to properly demonstrate how less happy I am, here are three photos of me. The first photo on the left was taken before November 2016, the middle photo was taken late 2018, and on the right is a screenshot-photo of me taken today. See if you can spot the subtle changes in my demeanor and appearance in these three chronologically ordered pictures.

(L-R) Me, in 2016, 2018, & 2020 — The visible stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome when I was sadly exposed to the derangement of Donald Trump

So, as you can see through the photographic evidence above, I am less happy than I was 4 years ago, back when I was able to sleep at night and before I developed my mantra of saying, at 14-second intervals, “Oh my GOD, oh my GOD, oh my GOD, oh my GOD, oh my GOD, we’re all DOOMED! No one can help us!”
(I plan to later develop a chord structure for this so I can just sing it while strumming my guitar).


Trump supporters are BLISSFUL. Here’s why.

  • There’s no coronavirus in their own FUN universe. Why even worry about very deadly and highly contagious diseases? And how do we KNOW Lysol and bleach don’t taste DELICIOUS if we’ve never ingested Lysol and bleach to find out?

Apparently, Trump sells a hydroxychloroquine-based tonic on his own website exclusively to Trump supporters, that allegedly “prevents infection from various pandemics that were officially ignored, then haphazardly attended to, before quickly being ignored again” and also claims to ward off werewolf attacks. Here’s what it says in the item description.
“Dr. Trump’s Old-Time Pandemic MIRACLE Cure Tonic & Elixir— is 100% effective at warding off werewolves in all clinical trials (conducted on retired veteran test-patients at V.A. Hospitals, who all died specifically of non-werewolf related causes!) What have you got to lose? Side effects include: your heart possibly popping like a zit. So, ask your doctor whether your doctor is sane and if your doctor says “Yes”, seek advice from a different doctor before ordering!

Of course, this has led to people with lupus who use hydroxychloroquine for hobbies such as: staying alive, and not being corpses, and/or not being buried, to face mass shortages of the drug.

  • Here’s another example.
    Trump ordering the police and military to violently attack American civilians who were peacefully protesting police brutality and racism, SO THAT HE CAN HAVE HIS PICTURE TAKEN. (In front of a house of worship!)

I spoke to GOD about this, via a burning Bush (Jeb).

GOD’s reply was:

“This is exactly why I don’t spend time watching you guys anymore. When my Earth 2.0 project gets completed I’m definitely turning your Earth into a parking lot.” — GOD

Compelling and sobering thoughts, indeed…

Trump’s photos were accompanied with AMAZING videos.
These were O’Henry inspired ironic videos (by order of the White House) of police enthusiastically releasing tear gas and explosions upon people who were peacefully protesting against police brutality… while also shooting them in the face with rubber bullets and then bopping them on the head with truncheons as they all screamed and fled. — This happened. No, really. This happened so that Trump can pleasantly walk over from the bunker where he was cowering, to stand in front of a church and awkwardly hold a bible while the pastors of the church all dived for cover as Trump had his photo-op.
This looked VERY scary in real life. It really DID!

— However, in Trump’s supporter’s fun and fascinating reality, it looked to them exactly as if JESUS, in his kindness, and through his wisdom, had a militia forcefully attack a bunch of peaceful civilians and then step over their blood and teeth to hold up a bible in front of a church for a photo-op as the church’s pastors dived for cover. Fortuitously, Jesus’s earlier tweet of “Blessed be those who shoot others in the face to protect material possessions” was censored by Twitter. Jesus went on to say “I will crush those who oppose me. I will smite my enemies real and perceived. I am a wartime deity! I will unleash my forces of OMINOUS WEAPONS and dogs upon you! I will frivolously open you up to plague and actively heal no one while I relentlessly mock those of you with survival instincts! Thou must praise me or be smitten by my powerful forces and ground to dust!”

Inspiring words, indeed.

I’d go so far as to call them “historic”, except I’m starting to doubt if we’ll have a future for them to be ‘historic’ in.

Written by Steven W. Rouach
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FUN FACT: Every time you give a round of applause at the bottom of the page of one of my stories, I literally leap up and take a bow. True story.

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Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed

Is a carbon based life form from Earth. Anyone who tells you he's not is absolutely lying. He's known for being dashing, heroic & humanity's last, best, hope.