In England, ‘Trump’ Means Fart —It’s Even Funnier In 20 Other Languages

The Trump name is a joke no matter where in the world you go

Allan Ishac
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2020


When you say Trump in other countries, he’s just as laughable. (Credit:

Trump’s last name appears, with minor variations, in dozens of foreign languages. The translations are rarely flattering and always funny. Take a look:

Norwegian: Trump or trumpa translates as “a smelly substance picked up in the street that one cannot easily scrape off the bottom of a shoe.” Common usage: “Your boots are covered in dog trumpa, please leave them outside!”

Turkish: A 19th century addition to the language, the word trumpogan is used to denote “a weird or offbeat hairstyle” as in, “With the large front shelf, the rakish comb over, and those slicked back sides, the man created his own unique trumpogan.”

Italian: The simple form, trumpano, means “windbag, blowhard, or blabbermouth.” Usage: “If I have to listen to that trumpano for four more years, I’m moving to Canada.”

Mandarin: Trump-hao has two possible meanings, “a dangerous escalation” in relation to insulting allies and enemies, and also, “escalator.” Example: “Don’t let your extra long tie get caught in the trump-hao.”



Allan Ishac
Extra Newsfeed

Author of The Mystic In The Mews ( Satirist. Humor writer. Former advertising creative director. Visit me at