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Is the Woke Left truly interested in Justice?

According to one Progressive Democrat, the unfortunate answer appears to be: No.

Andrew Londre
Published in
11 min readNov 22, 2020


In July of 2020, at President Trump’s direction, federal officers — often, heavily armed and wearing camouflage — were dispatched to Portland, Oregon, where they scooped up Black Lives Matter protesters and tossed them into unmarked vans before speeding away into the dark of night.

Those nabbed by this secretive Trump Force were seemingly denied Due Process and other constitutionally guaranteed rights at the hands of an unjust justice system.

Like much of the rest of the world, the Woke Left was rightly horrified.

After Trump unleashed his secretive security personnel from the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies, similar tactics began to be used in other major US cities, including in New York City by the NYPD.



Andrew Londre
Extra Newsfeed

Accomplished public servant and former elected official turned civic & cultural commentator and consultant 🔗