Mental Masturbation

Where Angels Fear
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
4 min readMar 20, 2018

First there was porn.

Then there were webcams


… there was Subservient Chicken.

I don’t want to … don’t find it at all arousing, let alone erotic, and yet …

It’s disturbingly compelling.

What would it be like to order a man in a chicken-suit to degrade himself for my amusement so he could earn (not even) barely enough to feed his children poor quality food at the end of the day?

How would I feel about myself afterwards?

Would I feel unclean?

Would I feel like a part of what passes for my soul had been sullied?

Would I seek revenge upon him for my actions and spur him on to ever more sordid acts in a perversely vicious cycle … desperately seeking an impossible absolution for myself at his expense, as he … ever more desperate to keep his children from starving as, day to day, they lived hand to mouth … did anything … anything … I said to in order to earn a crust?

I like to think so.

But do I want to know so?

What if I do have a soul? What if it is worth worrying about? What if …

What if … instead of corrupting myself … I corrupted others?

Would that make me as bad as … or worse than … them?

Would it make me as bad as … or worse than .. the kind of person who orders a man in a chicken-suit to debase himself because he is desperate to keep his children from starving and will do anything … anything … to achieve that?

How would I find out?

Enter Steven Rouach

“FUN FACT : Every time you give a round of applause at bottom of the page of one of my stories, I literally leap up and take a bow. True story.”

What if … instead of jumping into the deep end of subservient chicken depravity … I were, instead, to encourage others to humiliate Steven first and see how I felt about it?

Would I feel dangerous?



Exhilarated …

… in a dirty sort of way?

Well, there’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?

Steven Rouach … take a bow.

You can see where this is going: webcam … lots of applause on Medium … ensuing hilarity.

Maybe something a little darker ¹.

Obviously, Steven's articles are worth reading ... or I wouldn't know about him or his odd behaviour myself ... so, you should read them too.

Just make sure he regrets it ... that's all I'm saying.


If anyone’s interested in that kind of thing, you can easily superimpose Steven’s avatar/logo onto the the body of the guy ogling the chicken in the above pic.

</just sayin’>

¹ That’s between you and Steven as consenting adults, but perhaps you could record some footage — to help me decide if I‘m ready to abuse desperate human beings dressed in chicken-suits in the name of my own gratification ².

² A sort of meta-perversion insofar as I get no kicks from observing them but in observing my own perverse behaviour — mental masturbation, as it were.



Where Angels Fear
Extra Newsfeed

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live and too rare to die.