Mike Pence: 25 Truths and 5 Lies

Andrés Govea
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2016

Mike Pence has had an illustrious career in politics that continues to disenfranchise minority groups. From congressman to Indiana Governor to Vice-President Elect, Mike Pence has stopped at nothing in his efforts to oppress people, specifically members of the LGBTQ community. Here is a list of 25 truths about the VP Elect and 5 lies that are thrown in for good measure. Figure out which are the lies and what are the truths. Answers are listed below.

  1. Advocates for Conversion Therapy

2. Sponsored multiple bills to defund Planned Parenthood

3. Sponsored the defunding of Planned Parenthood which led to an HIV outbreak in Indiana

4. Signed the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act that permits the discrimination of LGBTQ people on Religious Grounds

5. Goes to bed with socks on

6. Opposes Marriage Equality

7. Voted Against Fair Pay of Women

8. Voted Against Fair Pay of Minorities

9. Screams “Time Out” when someone gets too close to him during Tag

10. Voted Against Raising Federal Minimum Wage

11. Attempted to blocked aid Syrian refugees living in Indiana

12. Stated that condoms are ineffective in preventing STDs and pregnancies

13. Calls “Shrimps”, “Prawns”

14. Opposed “No Child Left Behind Act”

15. Thinks “Freaks and Geeks” didn’t deserve a Second Season

16. Believes Taylor Swifts music video was the Best Video of the Year

17. Ran a racists campaign add in 1990 that stereotyped people of Middle Eastern decent

18. Opposed the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

19. Made the largest tax cut in Indiana history

20. Stated that the LGBTQ community shouldn’t be protected from discrimination

21. Opposed President Obama’s Transgender Bathroom directive

22. Opposed A Bill Aimed at Combatting Rape in Prison

23. Refused to call the former KKK leader “Deplorable”

24. Said, “Smoking Doesn’t Kill”

25. Signed a bill that allowed firearms in vehicles on school grounds

26. Signed a law that limits law suites against gun manufactures and retailers

27. Voted Against the 2007 Employment Non-Discrimination Act

28. Opposed the 2009 Mathew Shepard Hate Crimes Act

29. Believes Global Warming is a myth

30. Wipes back-to-front

Answers: 5, 9, 13, 15, and 16 (#30 is not a lie)

