My Week (So Far) in 10 Quotes (Week of January 25, 2016)

Gabriella Schwarz
3 min readJan 28, 2016


I can summon a line to fit into almost any life situation, whether it’s a winner from character Elle Woods in Legally Blonde or a line from an Obama interview during the 2012 campaign. The beauty of words is they can linger forever.

Here are the lines that most piqued my interest during the last few days. Admittedly, they’re all political. Old habits die hard. But there’s an Olivia Pope quote in here to mix things up.


“In ways, though, Clinton’s ‘sense of the good’ talk seems ill-fitted for the electoral moment.” ~Ruby Cramer, Hillary Clinton wants to talk with you about love & kindness — BuzzFeed


“Open-seat presidential elections are shaped by perceptions of the style and personality of the outgoing incumbent. Voters rarely seek the replica of what they have. They almost always seek the remedy, the candidate who has the personal qualities the public finds lacking in the departing executive.” ~David Axelrod, The Obama Theory of Trump — The New York Times


“I mean, it seems like we really go overboard to make sure all these other nationalities nowadays and colors have their fair shake of it, but no one’s looking out for the white guy anymore.” ~Rhett Benhoff, a Trump supporter, Why I’m Voting for Trump — CNN


“’I’m very political,’ she tells Us. ‘I’m not political in public, I’m political at home.’…’I have my own opinions too, and I tell him that. Sometimes he takes it in and listens and sometimes he doesn’t. But it is who he is, I don’t want to change him. He’s an adult, he knows what the consequences could be.’” ~Melania Trump, Melania Trump: ‘I’m Political at Home’ — US Magazine


“I stood backstage at a rally in Minnesota in October 2008 where Senator McCain took the microphone from a woman in the crowd who spoke about her fears, including that Barack Obama was ‘an Arab.’ Senator McCain said, ‘No, ma’am,’ and explained that Mr. Obama was a good and decent family man and an American with whom he simply disagreed on policy matters. This interaction will go down as one of the finest moments from one of the country’s finest men. But it was also an early warning that the Republican base was profoundly agitated.” ~Nicolle Wallace, Sarah Palin, Rage Whisperer — The New York Times


“What difference, at this point, does any of it make? When it comes to public trust in a presidential candidate — everything.” ~Kathleen Parker, Hillary Clinton’s historical problem with honesty — The Washington Post


“It feels like there is a lot of young people like myself who are very passionate supporters of Bernie Sanders. And, I just don’t see the same enthusiasm from younger people for you. In fact, I’ve heard from quite a few people my age that they think you’re dishonest, but I’d like to hear from you on why you feel the enthusiasm isn’t there.” ~Questioner to Clinton, CNN Iowa Democratic Presidential Town Hall—January 25, 2016


“Donald Trump is just working the media like a cello, and we’re all playing beautiful music this morning as a result.” ~Hugh Hewitt, CNN Newsroom, January 27, 2016


“They put George W. in office because he and Laura seemed like a fun couple to have a beer with. People have to want to invite you in for dinner.” ~Olivia Pope, ABC’s Scandal — Season 1, Episode 6 “The Trail”


“The lesson is BE YOU. I mean, my mother always said to me, ‘It is enough to be Jody.’” ~Jody Schwarz, my mom (via text), after reading the Clinton BuzzFeed story — January 26, 2016


Flipboard: @gabyschwarz

Twitter: @gabyaschwarz



Gabriella Schwarz

News @Facebook. Fmr Global Head of Content @Flipboard, ’19 Nieman Foundation Fellow, @CNN-er/White House producer. Recovering violinist. Cold weather lover.