Neoliberals are still part of the problem.

Nelson Lowhim
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2017

Another day another NYTimes piece. Here we have Charles M Blow either concern trolling for dead foreigners or goading Trump into doing the same [1]. Now, as you may or may not know, I’m no fan of Trump or his foreign policy. I think that at best it will speak to the oligarchic rentier that he is and at worst will reflect the genocidal tendencies in him and other like-minded people in DC. [2] Democrats pushing the Russian narrative [3] will only push Trump to prove that he’s no friend of Russia and push us to more war.

Here’s a Trump fan cheering the latest front in our century of never-ending wars

And, the funny thing is that I agree with Blow’s Charles M. Blow assessment of Trump being an unserious contender for this POTUS position, to say nothing of his world view that only sparks a certain fear in me. But to focus on Trump’s uncertainty is about the same as the conservatives said about Obama and some of his policies. In other words, I find it unpersuasive.

“Just days after the Trump administration shockingly signaled a softer stance on President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, Assad — possibly emboldened by America’s reversed course — unleashed an atrocious chemical attack on his own people, killing dozens.”

And again, here we have a fairly unproven point about a foreigner that doesn’t mean much outside of the DC Beltway. I mean if this was what led to this attack, what about previous attacks on civilians? [4] And now that Trump has struck at an airfield, almost at the behest of Hillary, it appears, I wonder if Blow’s view has changed?

Is Trump resolute? Most likely he has now found the time honored tradition of bombing people gets one’s poll numbers up and distract from domestic policy messes. He probably also realizes that concern trolling about dead children is good for him—well not the victims of our policies. Being that he’s good at manipulating people and is all about saying whatever works, nevermind the content, I expect to see much more of this idiocy. And would Blow then be satisfied?

I sure as hell won’t be. This neoliberal focus on semantics is what got us in this situation. So Trump hands over the bombing decision making to people with better knowledge of the world (basically anyone, to be honest), what does that matter when the reasons are wrong?

I’m already hearing talk about resolute Trump sending a clear message. I ust really be in la la land. Again, let’s think about this, the future of the world is in balance. But it’s clear to me, more than ever, that however we choose to make this better, neoliberals won’t be the ones to help out.

Update: Just to note that Charles M. Blow came out with this great piece on Trump’s attack on Assad. Well said, sir, well said, even though I may not agree with it all. Which means that I retract my previous statement about Mr. Blow and neoliberalism. His column is still the only shining light over there.

[1] I suppose Trump should be given a cookie for learning how to care about dead children when in front of the cameras, nevermind that he has already killed plenty so far. I suppose this is acting 101 for those who wish to do well in DC.

[2] Please do not say that this is far-fetched. The best you can say is that these people only want democide in certain parts of the world. The evidence that some want an end of world war or just to “glass” parts of it, is out there.

[3] If there is a Russian connection I still think it’s only oligarchic and personal (Trump likes authoritarians) in nature. There is no real Trump is Putin’s puppet tripe proof anywhere.

[4] And why the concern trolling? What about children dead at the hands of our policies? I simply do not understand where this logic comes from. Also this is not to say that the previous attack was proven (please, provide evidence for this, people)

Update: And just to prove a point, we have Nicolas Kristoff beating the drums for more bombs. Apparently he has no idea about history about agent orange or anything else. He is either a courtesan or a useful idiot. Sad!

Update: Well it didn’t take long, but here we have the NyTimes and all the other neoliberal rags essentially start the war porn with regard to the MOAB being dropped. Nevermind how useful it is or what the blowback will be. Sigh. Hard to be right so much and so often. Harder still to see how these outlets will ever serve as even a slight buffer to the likes of Trump. I said it once and I’ll say it again: they’re not on our side. They may not like some aspects of Trump’s decorum but in the end they love his power, and are now positively reinforcing his bomb bomb bomb side.

Yes, how destructive? Do tell us.

Update 3: Oh my, it gets better as NY Times is now hiring a Climate Change denier. What a horrible newspaper.

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Nelson Lowhim
Extra Newsfeed

Writer, Artist, Immigrant, & Veteran observing our mad dance of apes. Check out my Patreon & show some love: