Never Shy Away From Repeating What’s Already Been Said Or Written

Dheeraj DeeKay
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2017

I have a feeling that the lines that we create, the words that we say have already been said but we still say them for people who may find new meanings in them; the meanings they seek, the words they have long been wanted to hear. You see, you may think you are new to this world. The pain you go through, the happiness you experience, the joys you feel, the sorrows you suffer, they may all seem new and exclusive to you, but the truth is, they are not. People have come here, lived and gone. They have said what you intends to.

Yes, the people who listen to you might not have heard what you are about to say to them. They might have no knowledge of the lines you are going to pen down. That doesn’t mean those lines have not been said before. Nor does it mean you need not repeat what you are about to. Go on, say what you feel in your heart to, write what you intend to write to. Every one of us has his or her own audience, go write and talk to them. Don’t stop speaking or writing because it’s already been said before. It might have been but maybe not in your circle, your audience might still have not heard about that idea. So go on.

Remember that friend who asks for your advice all the time? Most of the times, people who seek your counsel have already made their decisions. They just want to hear you out. They need someone else to assert to them what they already know (or think they know) is right. The decisions they seek from you have already been decided in their minds. Maybe they are unaware of it. But most of the times especially when people struggle with choices, they have subconsciously made their decisions. They just seek an approval of it now. And maybe your words could give them that seal of approval. Life is such.
Our lives are not separate. They are all but intertwined. Everyone who comes into our life comes for a purpose. The betrayals that we deal are not to break us but make us. It’s meaningless to whine or cry over something that you can’t change — the best you could do is to open your heart to new possibilities. Bury the past. If possible, write it down. Talk with a friend. And if you feel the things that are worrying you cannot be spoken with anyone, share them with yourself. Walk up to that stop somewhere where there is loneliness, where there’s nature in its full glory and vent your heart out. Talk to yourself. Sounds mad? Believe me, it’s not. Talking to oneself is the greatest remedy when you’re dealing with the crisis or when you are down and need that little ounce of motivation. Call yourself by your own name and say what you feel you wish to.

Humans have been here before and they will continue to be here until some douchebag screws it with mother nature so badly that our existence itself gets wiped down. Words have been spoken before and they will continue to be spoken for times to come. Some time to make a small new point, you have to take help of thousand words which have been spoken in past for umpteenth times but let that not stop you from speaking. Don’t shy away from repeating. Look at mother nature. Repetition is all around us. The sunrise and sunset, the water cycle, seasons, everything that is dear to us have been repeating itself since ages. Why should your words be left behind?

Have A Happy Time!

P.S. Hello, to repeat is not a sin. But to knowingly steal someone’s work is. Give them their due. Credit where it is possible.

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Dheeraj DeeKay
Extra Newsfeed

I Listen. I Speak. I Write. I Do. And That’s Why I Am. Storyteller at large! Oh yeah, also a Programmer, Full Stack Developer when at desk.