Not Funny

Nut Worth: These supporters of the Trump Shutdown aren’t into suffering.

No empathy for unpaid workers among these rich wall-wailers.

Harper Thorpe
Extra Newsfeed


“Trump says federal workers not receiving their pay are Patriots. Ha! We’re Paid-triots!” (Image Source)

Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity demand President Trump keep the government shut down until Democrats provide him funding for a wall on the southern border. No wall, no deal. Trump continues to yield to the pressure of these loud right-wing voices, who claim to represent his dwindling base. (34% of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance according to a poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.)

Evidently, Trump — who showed no empathy for children separated from their parents — also shares this group’s same lack of empathy for the 800,000 federal workers who continue to go unpaid on Shutdown Day 34. Trump’s shutdown may even be good for the bottom lines of these arrogant pundits!

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Rush Limbaugh has a net worth of $590 million. He earns an annual salary north of $85 million, which he continues to receive during Trump’s shutdown.

Limbaugh’s recent comments: “It’s gonna be a few more weeks. There are gonna be a lot of risks. There are gonna be a lot of temptations to drop the ball and cave. I don’t mean cave, there’s gonna be a lot of temptation to make a deal. But he can win this if he just hangs in there.”

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Sean Hannity has an estimated net worth of $80 million. He earns $36 million as salary every year, which he continues to receive during Trump’s shutdown.

Hannity’s recent comments: “My humble advice is the shutdown, as much as an inconvenience some people that work for the government and I hope they get their back pay, it needs to continue straight through the State of the Union and maybe beyond.”

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Ann Coulter has a net worth of $8.5 million.

Coulter’s recent comments: “He (Trump) is dead in the water if he doesn’t build that wall. Dead, dead, dead. It’ll just have been a joke presidency who scammed the American people,” she said at the time. “. . . he’ll have no legacy whatsoever. Oh, gosh, they’ll (unpaid federal workers) have to wait a few months before they know fully well they’re going to be paid in full. Previous shutdowns have been much more difficult.”

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Laura Ingraham has an estimated net worth of $45 million dollars. She earns $2 million as salary every year, which she continues to receive during Trump’s shutdown.

Ingraham’s recent comments: “The media’s latest tactic — and we’re going to see more of it in the coming days — is to re-feature the sob stories of government workers. Well, watch carefully on what they’re doing here. Rank emotional manipulation. Pure propaganda.”

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Empathizer in Chief — Donald Trump’s net worth stands at $3.1 billion. Trump donates his salary as POTUS, but not counting other emoluments, the Trump International Hotel, located less than one mile from the White House, earned $40.4 million for the Trump Organization in the 2017 calendar year.

Trump’s recent comments: “A lot of people that you think are upset — and certainly they’re not thrilled — but they say, ’Sir, do the right thing. We need border security, — And these are people that won’t be getting paid.”

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Trump’s golf game continues to “suffer” during the shutdown because he has chosen not to visit Mar-a-Lago — but instead to remain in Washington, where he has only his White House staff to wait on him.

Note: Mitch McConnell has a net worth estimated to be $27M. His annual earnings are almost $200k, which he continues to receive during Trump’s shutdown. Mitch’s wife, Trump’s Secretary of Transportation, also has an annual salary of $200k, which she continues to receive during Trump’s shutdown.

Federal workers struggling to make ends meet during the Trump Shutdown. This photo of federal workers standing in line, waiting for food handouts, is yet another stark indication of federal workers’ plights. (Source)

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Harper Thorpe
Extra Newsfeed

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!