Painfully, sadly and hopelessly, I agree.

We cant even expect understanding.

H. Nemesis Nyx
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
1 min readNov 12, 2016


Because loopholes. Because they are separating the elected president from HIS OWN WORDS. They do this and pretend like what HE SAID didn’t mean what it actually meant.

And I am not sure right now, which hurts more. Is it the people who passionately stood next to me — screaming about how wrong it was that he was even a candidate — trying to convince me that “all will be well,” “he will be the president, so he will change, he has to for his legacy.”? And those trying to convince me that this WASN’T driven by deep rooted biases — classism, sexism and most disturbingly racism?


Is it the people who have blatantly pretended they were “begrudgingly” supporting this man “despite” his rhetoric because “economy doesn’t work for me?


The economy works for NO ONE except people like the president elect.

Lying to others is bad, nasty business — lying to ourselves is even worse.

I’m done pretending.

Thanks, Deborah Foster 🍁 for being a champion for a deeper truth. Thank you for not buying into

“I betrayed you but it was because I had to, please have empathy and respect for me when I grab you by the pussy later or when my husband, brother or father does — boys will be boys after all. PS it doesn’t ACTUALLY mean what it says it means…”


-Cyborg 🌺

