Putin’s GOP Agents in the US Government Harass FBI Agent on TV.

“Spasibo Comrades” Says Russia to the Republican Party

Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed
4 min readJul 13, 2018


Trey Gowdy is upset.

He’s upset he looks like a guy whose wife threw him out leaving him homeless and sleeping in Congress utility closets. Trey Gowdy is ALSO upset his head shape and haircut remind people so much of a Swifter, and that many of his peers use Gowdy’s head to dust with.

200 lbs. of cocaine in a 159 lb. (douche) bag = Trey Gowdy

Trey Gowdy is famous for subjecting Hillary Clinton to very expensive three year investigations that yielded:

(drumroll ensues)

0 indictments & 0 convictions.
(anticlimactic ensues…)

They studied Hillary the way Rabbis study the Torah.
They looked up and into Hillary’s derrière just to see if her hat was on straight! — And found nothing. Thus proving my point that Hillary Clinton is the greatest criminal mastermind, ever, in the entire history of Earth, and would have made a fantastic president that would have made Putin frown, as seen in the photo below.


Look at how unhappy he’d be. Here’s how Putin looks now.


And yet Gowdy, in his EXCITEMENT in “coming out” as a “different species”, ALSO wants to stop an investigation INTO RUSSIA that so far has yielded 32 indictments and 5 guilty pleas…
Trey Gowdy is FUNNY.

The best part of all this is when Peter Strzok, out of the kindness of his own heart, patiently took the time to explain TO Trey Gowdy why Trey Gowdy is an idiot, just to try to help him… but sadly, it didn’t.

The look of someone who DOESN’T want ANYONE looking into money trails from Russia to his house.

Robert Goodlatte, R-Va. was also upset. In his ongoing attempts to do the bidding of Vladimir Putin he decided all rules put in place since the 1700’s don’t apply to FBI agent Peter Strzok. Peter Strzok is not allowed, in Goodlatte’s view to confer with the FBI’s lawyer, despite… oh, you know, BEING AN FBI AGENT.


Nor, in Goodlatte’s view is FBI agent Peter Strzok allowed to follow the rules of the FBI. Nor is Peter Strzok allowed to have the same kinds of personal opinions any sane, reasonable, person would have about Donald Trump, a man best described as “an Unhinged-Gila-Monster-Psychotic-Hobgoblin whose hobbies include destroying America and the world, and is lightly coated with diarrhea, stapled to a hair-weave, and placed into an ill-fitting suit”. (Sad).

So, I’m starting to think Robert Goodlatte is not a good latte. His name should be changed to Bad-Latte, or Evil-Latte…. Bob “Boris” Evil-Latte-Agent of Putin would be a better name for Robert Goodlatte.

The breakout star in all this is obviously Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), the unfortunate result of when a WOOLY WILLY toy gained semi sentience and decided to be a traitor to our country and a valued member of Putin’s GOP Treason All-Stars.

However, upon further research corroborated by various sources, I’m now very confident in stating in print that, in fact Rep. Louie Gohmert is also, in his spare time, a butt-plug.

Putin’s Butt-Plug.

I know that in this day and age we shouldn’t make fun of someone’s sexual orientations or whether they’re made of rubber, but it does factor into whether Rep. Louie Gohmert’s head is used to keep Putin’s ass from leaking. Here’s some photographic evidence

DA! Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) LOVES RUSSIA!!!!

Now recently there has been some speculation there is something WEIRD going on between Russia and the Republican Party.

Perhaps it was because on July 4th, on our country’s posthumous birthday, a bunch-o-fun GOP lunatics went expensively to Russia to kneel and perform fellatio and pocket some checks?

In fairness, I added the furry hats, but (L) Putin’s Government & (R) Putin’s Government

Maybe it’s the t-shirts the House and Senate Republicans had made up that say “ATTENTION: I’M COMMITTING TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES FOR RUSSIA!!! on the front, and “WIN AT ANY COST” on the back.

Obviously this can’t go on like this. The FBI actually saves many of us from things like: being blown up where bits of us are pattering down in a rain of blood and body parts. They provide a handy service in that way. Large groups of us laying as hunks of meat splattered about would inconvenience many of us.

See, it’s not GOOD for large portions of America to believe an idiotic madman, a former reality star and present flatulence generator, that had a nervous breakdown in front of all of us, and is a known and well documented compulsive liar — over ALL our own intelligence agencies and all news agencies except Fox News.

The same way, ironically, it’s not good for Donald Trump to believe Valdimir Putin over all US intelligence agencies.

Written by Steven W.Rouach.

©2018 SWRouach



Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed

Is a carbon based life form from Earth. Anyone who tells you he's not is absolutely lying. He's known for being dashing, heroic & humanity's last, best, hope.