Rape Prevention

Say ‘Stop IT’ — Twice, Firmly

H. Nemesis Nyx
Extra Newsfeed
4 min readNov 20, 2016


People have told me to accept this new bullshit as “normal” and I have flatly refused. I will continue to refuse to accept that our country will soon be run by a rapist. I am not going to deal with such nonsense.

So instead, I give you —

The Guide to Not Getting Raped by the Rapist Elect

Because it is STILL your responsibility to NOT get raped — okay? That’s what many people in this country told us when they clicked the check box next to that steaming pile’s name.


Do not bother telling me why.

I have to deal with the very real fact that Rape is not a punishable offense in my country. Okay? Well, let me caveat that, it IS punishable if you are Mexican and haven’t raped anyone. Or if you are a black man, you can also be punished for raping someone, even though you probably just told the nice white lady down the street that you would like to be allowed to exist. Oh, and if you are transgender, queer or any other non-cis gender you will not be allowed to use the bathroom, because someone pretending to be non-cis gender will rape who ever is in there for you.

Every one will be punished for Raping but the straight white ones, alright? Are we good?


Now that we have that squared away, I learned something from our Rapist-Elect the other day. The nice blonde lady in the pantsuit who has not been doing her fucking job on 60 Minutes for the last couple of years, really pushed Mr. Rapey Pants to acknowledge the little problem of all the hate crimes that have happened since he was elected. She did not ask about raping, so we will be improvising a bit. She asked him what he wanted to tell those people committing those crimes in his name.

His response was:

“I am VERY surprised to hear that. I HATE to hear that. I am SO SADDENED to hear that. And I say, STOP IT. If it helps. And I will say this. And I’ll say it right to the camera (looks at camera): STOP IT.”

When I saw that I thought, “Oh, so THAT’S what I should have done! Next time. Next time. OH WAIT, I better tell all the people I know about this little trick!

Please consider this your PSA. Next time someone is going to commit a hate crime against you, just be very casual and cavalier, don’t look at them straight in the eye right away. First say you are surprised to hear they want to ‘hate crime’ you and then say “STOP IT.” Firmly. Also, if there is a camera nearby, say “I’ll say it right to the camera: STOP IT.”

So, few things

  1. be cavalier
  2. act surprised
  3. say — ‘STOP IT’ — FIRMLY, twice.

Rape is a hate crime, by the way, so it should have a transfer affect for women and men of all colors. If you do not want to be raped, say ‘STOP IT’ — firmly, twice, okay?

I am pretty sure that is why he raped someone and is still going to be president — it is probably her fault she didn’t say ‘stop it’ — firmly, twice. Or maybe she wasn’t saying it firmly enough. Possibly, there were no cameras nearby either.

Tell your friends to say ‘stop it’ — firmly, but with a lack of real conviction — twice. Don’t forget the second ‘stop it’ okay? That second one is more important than the first one which is why you need to say it in the camera (if one is nearby — fuck it, make sure you always have a camera nearby).

Any laws we have ever gotten passed against rapes have been overturned for the white dudes, okay? They can all rape you with impunity (no change). Understand that this IS your reality.

Thank the idiot you work with who is always on FAILBOOK instead of doing her job who voted for a rapist because her boyfriend told her to and she is listening to a steady diet of music with lyrics that say, “I am nothing without your love.” Thank anyone who tells you to accept this new reality as if it is normal, because they don’t care what you think anyway. Your safety and right to not have hate crimes, including rape committed against you is less important to them than their <insert whatever thing they say is why they condone this bullshit here>.

Say ‘STOP IT’ — TWICE, firmly or all bets are off if a white dude wants to rape you. He will probably get to be president if you do not say stop it and make him stop it.

By the way

Your attacker will probably tell you that it is all your fault and you owe them an apology for saying ‘STOP IT’ — TWICE, firmly. Be prepared for them to cry and try to convince you that they are really very nice people who care about the economy and politeness. Be prepared to be met with justifications, insults about Hillary Clinton and called a ‘libtard’ for not wanting to be raped and/or saying ‘STOP IT’ — TWICE, firmly. But saying ‘STOP IT’ — TWICE, firmly, will stop them in their tracks.

Say STOP IT — TWICE, firmly. Look at the camera for the second ‘STOP IT.’

*this (SHOULD BE) satire




