SHOCKING: Tucker Carlson Espoused Sexist Views Ten Years Ago

Derek Phillips
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2019

Tucker Carlson and his employers at Fox News found themselves in a difficult situation Monday morning as new accusations of sexism surround the pundit and calls for the network to cancel his show come in from all corners of the internet that were already calling for it to be cancelled. This latest controversy comes after progressive watchdog Media Matters released a highly-edited audio file from 2006 in which Carlson appeared on Bubba the Lovesponge’s wholesome radio show to excuse Mormon Fundamentalist leader Warren Jeffs for the child rapes of his followers, debate whether his daughter is smart enough to resist lesbianism, and explain how most feminists get turned on by disrespect and abuse.

Carlson could not immediately be reached for comment, but a network executive said they are willing to reevaluate the situation in regards to their late-night programming once they hear from regular viewers of Tucker Carlson Tonight to determine if outrage over the comments is likely to affect the show’s ratings. As of Tuesday afternoon, Fox had received a single piece of hate mail from a verified supporter of the show that said simply, “ah geez. I was cool with Tucker blaming rampant drug addiction and the decline of western society on women obtaining better paying jobs, but that blatant sexism on Bubba the Love Sponge was just too much.”

Liberal activists, already skeptical that the response from Fox’s core demographic will be enough to impact Carlson’s career, have suggested a nationwide boycott of the show’s advertisers as a means of increasing the pressure on the network to make necessary changes. Communications professionals caution, however, that at this point Carlson is basically down to gold, Trumpy Bear and reverse mortgages and that even if these advertisers left the network they can just go down to the next tier, which would be Iraqi Dinars, QAnon merchandise and Nigerian pyramid schemes — all of which will probably end up being more profitable for Fox News.

We jumped ship on his last round of outrageous bullshit. It was probably the one where he said minorities make the country dirtier.

At publication, this remains a fluid situation and it is difficult to determine which direction the story will go as the headwinds of progressive activism, bolstered by the now-possible confrontation of sexism in sports, media, and politics, collides with the intransigent power structure of a news outlet that has defended and excused misogyny for basically the entirety of its existence. Everyone agrees, however, that it was pretty cool to hear Tucker finally say the word “cunty” out loud.



Derek Phillips
Extra Newsfeed

I trade professionally on the stock market for politics, Most of my writing is satire, but I occasionally have something important to say.