Silent Collaborators

Jeff Gates
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2018

Donald Trump has done quite a bit of damage to the ideals and the people of this country. However, he couldn’t have gone this far without the help of the Republican Party. Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and other representatives and senators have been complicit in Trump’s actions. Members of his own staff and commentators sign non-disclosure agreements, banning them from saying anything bad about Trump. They say nothing. It’s party before the people. They are the silent collaborators of this administration. And, we the people will not forget that.

This poster is part of a series of posters Jeff Gates does under the guise of the Chamomile Tea Party. Often taking World War II-era propaganda, he remixes them with new text and imagery about the rancor so prevalent in American political discourse. This image was inspired by a World War II poster from Vichy, France. Download a high resolution copy of this poster for free. In fact, all Chamomile Tea Party posters are free to download under a Creative Commons license.

New! Follow the history of the last eight years of our country’s political intransigence through a six-part exhibit of these posters on Google Arts & Culture. Also, read writer and graphic designer, Steven Heller’s interview with Jeff Gates in Print magazine about the genesis of this work.



Jeff Gates
Extra Newsfeed

Designer and writer for publications such as The Atlantic and The Washington Post. More stories: More design: