Skeletons burst out of Trump’s closet JUST IN TIME for Halloween!! (America gets SPOOKY!!)

“BOO!” Says, Manafort! — “BOO!” Says, Rick Gates — “BOO!” Says, George Papadopoulos.

Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed
4 min readOct 31, 2017


Pictured: Trump. This is what he looks like. Exactly like this.

It’s that time of year again where we all huddle terrified, and shake, as our system of government completely collapses upon itself. — Happy Halloween!

Of course, this has been the case EVERY DAY since November 8, 2016, but at least, on this day, there’s candy.

So, to celebrate the first Halloween since the beginning of what future historians will call “The Great Unraveling”, the FBI and Robert Mueller launched Indictment Day by having some of Trump’s Skeletons burst from his closet, a precursor to the conga-line of other skeletons waiting to burst from Trump’s closet.

Pictured: Trump’s SPOOKY Closet.

George Papadopoulos, first came into the public eye in very early episodes of Sesame Street where he was a friend to Big Bird, that only Big Bird could see. He later went on to commit the types of crimes that prosecutors frown upon, as well as pleading guilty to making false statements TO THE FBI* “about the timing, extent and nature of his relationships and interactions with certain foreign nationals whom he understood to have close connections with senior Russian government officials.”

*FUN FACT!!! The FBI actually HATES when people make false statements to them. It vexes them, and makes them frown. Here’s the face the FBI makes when you lie to them.


See, as you can tell from the frown above, the FBI prefers when people they question DON’T lie to them. George Papadopoulos will be celebrating Halloween dressed up as an informant in witness protection.

Then there’s Manafort. The FBI grew very close to Manafort, due to the FBI coming to his home on various occasions, at 3am, being very quiet so as not to wake him, and making him chocolate chip pancakes and then, as a show of affection, lovingly waking him up, saying things like: “There’s the handsome guy!! Wake up pretty boy, we made you pancakes!”. One Jewish FBI agent claimed he woke Manafort with a kiss on his keppy, and saying: “wake up Bubbala, we made you matzoh-brie. OY VEY!!”

Manafort is dressing up like someone wearing a $350,000 suit who’s been indicted for Halloween.

Trump — continues to freak us out. — SCARY!

And the third member of the folk music group, The Collusion Trio, Rick “Dick” Gates

Gates was a founding member of America First Policies, a pro-Trump advocacy group, that also supports Americans being stricken by flesh eating viruses.

Manafort joined the Trump campaign in late March 2016 and brought Gates on board shortly thereafter. As Manafort rose in the ranks, so did Gates, who took on a more prominent role after Trump campaign manager Corey “Whorey” Lewandowski was fired in June.

Gates was forced to leave once Manafort (his longtime business partner and political ally), started spinning slowly and disappeared down the drain as his treason caused him to be “flushed” by the FBI.

Of course, conservative news outlets such as FOX News and the Crazy Right Wing Lunatic Juggling and Shrimping* Show, weighed in with poignant and thought-provoking comments, such as: “Hillary Hillary Hillary Hillary!!!” and many went on to claim: “Hillary rhymes with SPILLERY! Why isn’t the FBI looking into THAT?”

*(“Shrimping”, is a sexual act, where far-right male conservatives use a straw to drink their own semen out of someone else’s anus. I know it’s gross, but I felt it’s more important — that in these troubled times, we have such information made available to us. BIG fans of “shrimping” include Sean “Shrimpin” Hannity, Rush “from Shrimping” Limbaugh, and Tucker “Shrimping Butt-plug” Carlson).

And now, — I’d like to wish my cherished and beloved readers a VERY Happy Halloween!!! (I have a feeling this will be the LAST Halloween with a lunatic Trump in the White House, busy trying to terrify us all).

Written By Steven W. Rouach

c2017 swrouach



Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed

Is a carbon based life form from Earth. Anyone who tells you he's not is absolutely lying. He's known for being dashing, heroic & humanity's last, best, hope.