
Smoke & Mirrors

State of the Democratic Transformation, in Michigan.

Lena Danger
Extra Newsfeed


Warren Lynch

Updated map! (of BernieCrats taking over the state party infrastructure) Gains in Maryland, New York and Rhode Island bump them up to light green, light green and dark blue! Yayyy!!! South Carolina reorgs and Montana and Georgia special elections coming soon! Woohoo!! Establishment shenanigans in Michigan and Nevada bump both states down to dark green! Boooooo!!! Let me know if you have any new info! Especially on the 5 remaining “unknown” states!

So, why did I suggest a downgrade for Michigan, on this unofficial, totally grassroots, map of the Revolution?

Because the gains we made as Progressives, don’t amount to much in real numbers, after this past SCC (State Central Committee) meeting.

I am a SCC delegate for the 13th CD in Michigan. Our CD has the 2nd largest amount of delegates for SCC, because our CD pumps out a LOT of Democratic votes. And as a member of MTBI (Michigan To Believe In) my participation was negotiated, to allow myself and other Berniecrats onto the “Progressive Unity” Slates, in most of the 14 Congressional Districts. That means, that Labor approved of us having a voice on SCC. “Unity” is a labor-term like “Solidarity”.

Well, after this past meeting on 4/29, I have a feeling I will fall out of favor, with the force of Labor that controls our party — because I do not agree with the way this State Party operates — because it is operates against it’s OWN Bylaws. Example: We allow Congressional District Parties to hold elections contrary to the rules of the Party and have an Appeals Committee that does not understand the rules of proportional voting, so the aggrieved parties were denied a proper remedy. But details of THAT, is for another post.

And it seems we do the same, for State Party elections — run them under very LOOSELY interpreted guidelines.

Bylaws of the Michigan Democratic Party and Minutes from the 1st SCC meeting of the 2017–2019 term.

According to the MDP Bylaws, the “such other officers” are the Officers At-Large of the Executive Committee and they are “elected” by the State Central Committee. But what we did on 2/11/17, was elect only the Statutory Officers and left the Officers At-Large unfilled. I think a case can be made, that all this should have taken place at the Spring State Convention. Or at least SCC could know who would be running for these seats. But OK fine. I will let that one slide, because of the last line — ”until the election of their successors”.

And, yes, you are reading that correctly — “as in its judgement may be proper” implies that there can be an unlimited amount of Officers At-Large. Cuz who knows, that may be “proper”. And oh by the way, these Officers At-Large have full voting rights on the State Central Committee — the HIGHEST governing body of the Michigan Democratic Party.

4/29/17 Agenda of the 2nd SCC of the 2017–2019 term and the List of “Appointed” Officers At-Large — 84 people.

According to the Agenda, these Officers At-Large were scheduled to be “appointed” on 4/29/17 — 2 1/2 months after the Spring State Convention. However; the MDP Bylaws say that they are to be “elected” by the State Central Committee. I would argue that the SCC merely “consented” to approving the 84 Officers At-Large, with no previous warning or explanation about why these 84 people were chosen. It was loosely an “advise and consent” action, with no chance to “advise” and forced “consent”. I mean if THAT was an “election”, then so was the “election” of Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS.

And here is a silly question, why did no one run against them, if this was an election?

The numbers:

There are a total of about 260 people on the SCC. 84 people “appointed” by the chair, amounts to about 30% @of the potential votes to be cast, for or against any motion or election. I would argue that this is a great example of “executive overreach” because mathematically, this is enough to sway an election. 84 hand picked people, that may or may not have been previously on the SCC, (there is no info on who these people are) approved by the SCC. I see a couple names on the list that were voting on 4/29, before being added to the EC. But how many? I don’t know.

Does this seem appropriate?

Apparently, yes, since we tried to Table this “election” — unsuccessfully. We failed miserably, because the votes were already set prior to the SCC meeting. Caucuses were held beforehand, in which proposed motions, by the progressive group Michigan For Revolution, were discussed and decided, to get no support.

Motion to Table the Officer Election — failed

So why ~30%

That just seems excessive in a body half as big as the DNC.

The DNC uses 15% in two instances that I know of, where people are “appointed” with full voting rights. And oh by the way, it specifically says the Chair gets to “appoint” with DNC approval.

  1. Super delegates — originally only 15% of the total delegates.
  2. DNC Members — Perez — gets to add 15% of the members to the DNC.

Yet, our State Party Chair appoints 30% with full voting rights. Hmmmm…

The only positions I see, that are supposed to be “appointed”, per the Bylaws, are the people that sit on the Standing Committees: Rules & Political Reform, Policy & Resolutions, and Finance.

Don't call it an “election” in the Bylaws and then operate this “election” as what it really was “advise and consent”. Just call it “advise and consent”!

There was no “election” of the Executive Committee (except the Statutory Officers on 2/11/17). There was not even an “advise” opportunity before they asked for our “consent”. I guess it’s assumed that the Chair knows what they are doing and has the right to create their “team” and this somehow promotes continuity. Serious, I heard those arguments.

Yet NOTHING in the Bylaws supports what happened on April 29, 2017 when it comes to the “appointment” of 84 Officer At-Large, with full voting rights, on the highest governing body, of the Michigan Democratic Party.


Oh. But I suppose, its “tradition”. This is the way we have always done it. Well, if that is the case, amend the Bylaws to support THAT “tradition”!

quote from an MDP insider…

“One thing to remember is that , in most states, such as Washington, for example, it is much harder to get to vote for or to become an SCC member. In Washington, only PDs (precinct delegates) can vote for State Central Committee members. This means it’s much harder for, say, the Tea Party, to take over the Party. In Michigan, it would be so easy for the Tea Party to take over the party, or at least gain a significant voice, that the EC appointments are an important check on this. I am NOT saying I agree with how it’s done. Just pointing out a reason.”

So, the REAL reason is — to keep the “tea party progressives” at bay…

2015–2017 Officers At-Large — 66 people.

And why were approximately 20+ people added in this two year term, compared to the last term? I understand they added a lot of Young Dems. That’s great. But how many others were appointed, to cancel out their votes? Example: 10 new Young Dems and 10 “guaranteed to vote with the Chair” Dems. No negative effect on the outcome, for the Chair IF done this way. I have no clue really, because I only recognize maybe 10 of the 84 names.

And don’t get me started about the fact that 30% of the votes on 4/29 were made by Proxy. There were folks with handfuls of proxy cards used to indicate a vote. Our second full meeting of the SCC and 30% could not show up!!?? We had alternates that drove 3 hours and were not seated. Because, the Bylaws, supports Proxies over alternates. I get that. But it seems excessive. Maybe one proxy per person. Not one person with 10 proxies. Preventing multiple proxies, would mean you need to have at keast 1/2 of your delegation present. But that is just an idea. It definitely needs discussion.

Resolution Passed by the General Membership on 2/11/17 and Approved by the SCC on 4/29/17

So here is the kicker. . .

I was appointed to the Rules Committee on 4/29, because the Chair appointed me. He knew I had concerns and I much appreciate that he added me, because he sure in heck did NOT have to do that. But even if we go through the Bylaws, “line by line” (as stated above in the Resolution) how do we know the updated version will be passed by the full SCC, when a 2/3 vote is needed?

Approximately 30% of the people that will vote, were personally selected by the Chair, to serve as Officers At-Large, that Ex-Officio sit on the SCC.

What will be the mechanism to submit the amendments? The Bylaws says the SCC submits them.

I have really tried to keep an open mind and not pass judgement on ANYTHING or ANYBODY, until I see it with my own two eyes. Since the 2016 primary. And folks have been pushing me and arguing with me, saying I am naive to believe that #DemEnter is something we should do. Well, I still support #DemEnter, even if I make people uncomfortable by my opinions.

Cuz, in this case, my eyeballs are burning.

5/24/17 update

Damn. USPS really messed this up. My appeal was to be delivered on Saturday 5/13/17 but didnt arrive until Wednesday 5/17/17. The cut off was Monday 5/15/17 at 5 pm.

Worst part, I could not track the package until May 16. The tracking number kept showing invalid. Tracking info didn't show up until after 5/15/17.



In Transit, Delayed:

ALLEN PARK, MI 48101 on May 16, 2017 at 1:29 am

Additional Information

The package is delayed and will not be delivered by the expected delivery date. An updated delivery date will be provided when available. Your item departed our USPS facility in ALLEN PARK, MI 48101 on May 16, 2017 at 1:29 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.

Tracking History

May 16, 2017

1:29 am

Departed USPS Facility,


May 15, 2017

12:04 pm

In Transit to Destination,

May 13, 2017

6:45 pm

In Transit to Destination,

May 11, 2017

8:34 pm

Arrived at USPS Facility,


May 11, 2017

11:38 am

Acceptance (SSK),


So that’s it.

MDP establishment wins again. They can’t make an exception for a delay that was clearly USPS fault. But they can totally ignore the MDP bylaws and install 84 people on the Executive Committee with full SCC voting rights, without having an election.



Lena Danger
Extra Newsfeed

Forced to Retire, ex-Ford Manager. Detroiter & Northern Michigander. Activist. Good Trouble-maker.