Taking Back Our Power: Clapbacks and Social Shaming

Sandra Wade
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2018
Don’t be the next racist “garbage pail kid”, folks!

It’s amazing to me that there are still people getting caught being racist assholes on video. Seems like one comes up on my Facebook feed every day. Haven’t they learned from Barbecue Becky, or permit Patty?

It’s like they’re not learning that if you act a fool in public, odds are good some outraged citizen is going to film you. Next thing you know, you’re losing your pot business..but no. Some idiots seem to be reacting to the viral clapback with “oh you think YOU’RE racist? HOLD MY BEER.”

When we have a white nationalist-run administration treating nonwhite people as subhuman, the viral clapback is the people’s way of repudiating it. It is our way of saying: we don’t care if you think nonwhite immigrants are “animals”, Trump..RACIST BEHAVIOR IS WRONG. Racists need to be on the alert: while you may have a president who condones what you do, and you can post the “n” word all over your idiotic youtube comments without consequence, racism is STILL unacceptable in mainstream society. You WILL suffer a public shaming for spewing your hateful views and subjecting nonwhite people to uncalled-for abuse in front of the rest of us.

Trump is the racist pied piper, drawing the dregs of American society out from under their rocks

Not to mention, this phenomenon of calling the cops on people of color for anything and everything REALLY needs to stop, because given the number of times an innocent black person has been killed by the cops, white people truly ARE putting black peoples’ lives at risk by bringing in the police.

I wonder if there was this much “go back to your own country” and calling the cops on black people for absolutely nothing, BEFORE Trump. Or are we just more aware of it, because of cellphones?

Urban Dictionary definition of the word “clapback”..it started in rap circles

My favorite response to public racism is the party New Yorkers threw in front of Aaron Schlossenberg’s house, which included a mariachi band and free tacos. That racist bro-lawyer learned that you do not mess with immigrants in the most diverse city in the country.

On the same day of the anti-racism Schlossenberg festival, there was yet another school shooting — the 22nd this year. The news reported that the shooter expressed neo-Nazi views on a website.

Ironic, huh? On the same day that people of all backgrounds, races, and etinicities got together in peace, love, and music to prove to New Yorkers (and indeed, America) that diversity is what TRULY “makes America great”, yet ANOTHER disgruntled white supremacist committed yet another mass shooting, proving that the people we REALLY need to fear are homegrown WHITE Nazi terrorists and our own NRA-owned politicians. NOT immigrants.

When was the last time an immigrant from Central America shot up a school? Yeah, I can’t recall either.

Another way people have been reclaiming their power is shaming the people who work for this corrupt administration in public. Kellyanne Conway, Stephen “baby-stealer” Miller, pathological liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and “turtle face” Mitch McConnell have all been harrassed by protesters and angry citizens lately.

At the same time that they were calling for “civility” from the left, Trump supporters were sending death threats to the Red Hen for refusing to serve Sanders. Proving that they truly ARE the “poorly educated” base that Trump said he loved, they sent these threats to the WRONG RED HEN.

It’s funny that the right calls Trump critics snowflakes, when they constantly whine, cry, and threaten boycotts at Trump critics. I would argue their “dear leader” is king of the snowflakes, since his Twitter seems to be nothing but nonstop rants and complaints about everyone from Maxine Waters to SNL.

Sorry, but when the self-interests of a corrupt minority take precedence over the will of the majority, this is what you get. Anger at the injustices and inhumane treatment, such as that of immigrants whose children still have not been returned to them after being ripped away at the border, that these people have inflicted. Expect to see more of this. If they won’t stop robbing us blind, taking away our rights and benefits, and subjecting the most vulnerable of us to abuse, we will make their lives miserable, to the extent we possibly can within the law.

Stephen Miller not being able to eat his $80 platter of sushi because a bartender gave him the finger isn’t even CLOSE to the punishment he deserves for coming up with the horrendous policy of removing immigrant children from their parents. In my opinion, he should be grateful the traitorous GOP didn’t turn him over to the Hague to be charged for crimes against humanity. FFS, his own family, who by the way have pointed out that their ancestors would not have been able to immigrate to this country had Stephen Miller’s policies been in place back in the day, has basically disowned him for being the architect of Trump’s baby-stealing policy.

There’s evidence that confronting Trump officials in public is working. In a complete snake pit of corrupt Trump cabinet officials, EPA head Scott Pruitt seemed to stand out.

A concerned mother approached him in a DC diner and expressed her concern that his rollback of every environmental rule Obama put into place was endangering the health of her child. She also called him out for his outrageous frivolous spending of taxpayer money. She urged him to resign. Without saying a word, Pruitt quickly skulked out the door. Just a few days later, Pruitt DID resign.

Midterm elections are coming. I truly hope all this public shaming means people are angry enough to vote these bigots OUT in a few months.

Copyright 2018 S. Wade



Sandra Wade
Extra Newsfeed

Actor, filmmaker, writer and sexy cat lady.. Currently showing at a festival near you: http://www.mailorderbridefilm.com/