an online outrage fiesta for the ages

Strobe Witherspoon
Extra Newsfeed
4 min readMay 1, 2018


A few days ago, Michelle Wolf performed comedy at a black tie event in Washington DC.

The event was designed to let journalists and politicians pat themselves on the back for working with each other.

Then the backpatting turned into backlashing.

An online outrage fiesta (OOF) was born.

Opinions were expressed in short, sentence-less statements that demonstrate certainty and heft.

So. Many. Opinions.

I dug into this OOF so you don’t have to.

Here’s an annotated guide.

If you missed the speech, or you didn’t get every reference, the Washington Post will catch you up for your next dinner party:

full speech with joke explanations can be found here

Some people were outraged by this service:

ben is not impressed

Next, the group that hired the comedian to perform comedy — The White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) — decided that it didn’t want THAT kind of comedy.

They were outraged:

full text here

The reaction to this Twitter statement was mixed. On one side, people appreciated the typewriter font that the WHCA chose. On the other side, HAVE THEY BEEN TO THIS EVENT BEFORE?

Cue the backlash to the backlash. A chorus of comedians (including former White House Correspondents’ Dinner performers) weighed in:

But what about Roseanne Barr, the comedian and former Green party presidential hopeful that is in the national spotlight again. Did she support her fellow female comedian’s effort to hold truth to power?

She. Did. Not.

Roseanne and former SNL Weekend Update host Dennis Miller supported the Wolf critics. Then they got backlashed!

Meanwhile, (some) outraged New York Times writers and (some) outraged Fox News pundits were shockingly on the same side of the backlash:

Then Mika Brzezinski joined the fray. Wolf responded via twitter to Brzezinski and Maggie Haberman:

Not to be outdone by the New York Times, New York magazine came to Wolf’s defense, joining the backlash to the backlash camp:

Then the other magazine with New York in its title weighed in and backlashed everybody:

[Middle America]: ‘A lot of New York in this annotated guide. Can you mix up your sources a little?’


Then this guy from Boston (and other people) became outraged at the event itself:

from here

Finally, the respected online publication WEASEL ZIPPERS cut and pasted an article from Axios, punched up the headline, and added this cogent analysis: “liberals being liberals”.

Weasel Zippers hereby proclaims this OOF to be as pedestrian and predictable as a Donald Trump pee tape.

And with that commentary this late April OOF began its descent into obscurity, clearing the way for a soon to be revealed early May outrage fiesta. My prediction is that it will not be about the water situation in Flint.

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Strobe Witherspoon
Extra Newsfeed

Make 2 + 2 = 4 again . OOF: An Online Outrage Fiesta for the Ages. Marginal Books. “Strikingly Original” Kirkus Reviews