The Deep State Has Digested Both Trump And Sanders. Fight The Deep State.

Caitlin Johnstone
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
8 min readMay 19, 2017

Whenever someone tries to tell you that there is no deep state in America, it is simply their way of informing you that they are too cowardly and compartmentalized to do 45 minutes of intellectually honest research into the matter.

In reality, the term “deep state” does not refer to a conspiracy theory about a shadowy cabal of baby-sacrificing Illuminati, but to a concept in political analysis which accounts for the self-evident fact that there are unelected power structures in America which tend to collaborate with one another. It is not up for debate whether or not groups like the billionaire class, multinational corporations and banks, the intelligence community, the military-industrial complex, and the corporate media exist. They do. They exist, they have power, they are unelected, they remain amid the comings and goings of the elected government, and they are known to collaborate in various ways toward their own agendas. This is an undeniable fact; you cannot debate the existence of the American deep state, but only how and to what extent it operates.

The last two days have shown more signs than ever that Trump is now fully controlled by America’s unelected power establishment. Last week I said that former FBI Director James Comey will not be replaced with a Kremlin stooge as the Russiagate airheads were claiming, nor will he be replaced with a clear-eyed nationalist rebel who’d lock up Hillary and blow the lid of pedogate as the Trumpsters were hoping, but will in fact be replaced with a nice Pompeo-like establishment loyalist. Now we have learned that the frontrunner for Comey’s replacement is none other than Joseph Lieberman, who could only be more of an establishment loyalist if his face were surgically affixed to Evelyn de Rothschild’s scrotum.

Internet censorship has found purchase under Trump’s watch as well (which I’m sure his anons over at 4chan will love) as FCC commissioners voted 2–1 to begin dismantling net neutrality yesterday. This was made possible because FCC chairman/former Verizon lawyer/skinsuit tentacle beast Ajit Pai was nominated by Trump to inflict five years of neoliberal deregulatory madness upon American internet policy.

This is disturbing because in a corporatist system of government, corporate censorship is the same as government censorship. Since democracy is functionally nonexistent in America and leadership, legislation and policy are dictated by corporate lobbying and large campaign donations rather than by the will of the people, America most certainly has a corporatist system of government. By deregulating the ability of internet service providers to favor some forms of media over others, these massive corporate conglomerates will be able to disrupt access to media that is generally critical of the corporatist status quo they thrive in. Given how much power large corporations wield in America, this is not different from state censorship. Given the suppression of alternative media that we’re already seeing from corporations like Google and Facebook, there is no reason to believe that this will not happen with ISPs as well.

Worst of all, recent hours have seen US armed forces attack the Syrian military for the second time in two months, reportedly killing civilians. This action has been generously labeled “government terrorism” by Damascus and charitably called “an unacceptable breach of Syrian sovereignty” by Moscow. What would America call it, I wonder, if China suddenly began amassing troops in California and periodically launching attacks upon US military forces? No other nation in the world can successfully get away with repeatedly launching military strikes against the government of a sovereign nation without it being labeled war by everyone else on planet Earth.

Whether it calls it that or not, America has been waging war upon the Syrian government, slowly cranking up the heat in more and more overt ways until Damascus has no choice but to start defending itself from hostile, aggressive invaders. The American deep state has been trying to sink its bloody fingers into Syria for a long, long time, and has been brazenly lying to the American people in order to manufacture consent for this evil regime change invasion. And mainstream America is lapping it right up, just 14 years after it lapped up the Iraq lies.

On the left, we have been watching the same exact thing happen with our beloved Bernie Sanders. It’s been excruciating to watch the man we progressive rebels lifted up last year praise the White Helmets, advance establishment lies about Russia and Syria, and spit on the Palestinian people with greater and greater intensity since that gut-wrenching day he endorsed bloodthirsty oligarch Hillary Clinton for Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military force in the history of civilization.

In a recent video which I openly admit to not being emotionally capable of finishing, Sanders monologued bald-faced lies straight into the camera, calling Assad a dictator who has “murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people,” saying that there is “no longer a debate” as to whether Russia manipulated the 2016 election “in a heavy duty way,” and that “no one now denies” such a thing happened and may continue to happen in America’s 2018 elections. We need to be perfectly clear: these are lies. Sanders knows that they are lies. There is no basis whatsoever for the assertion that Assad has “murdered” the hundreds of thousands of people who have perished in the war between the Syrian government and CIA-backed radical jihadists and terrorist factions that has ravaged his country. There is no basis whatsoever for saying that there is “no debate” that Russia interfered in the US elections in a significant way when we have to this day not be shown one single shred of proof that Russians hacked Democratic party emails and shared them with WikiLeaks.

Sanders is stating these things as though they are facts, and they are not. He is lying. He knows that he is lying. His lies have potentially world-ending consequences as they are used to manufacture consent for dangerous escalations with a nuclear superpower. Yesterday Sanders posted another video asking his followers, “Need a break from Russia? Join me for a conversation with comedian Larry Wilmore.” Yes, Bernie, I do fucking need a break from fucking Russia. No I will not be watching anything with Larry fucking Wilmore.

I do not believe that Sanders was bribed with a new $600,000 summer home as people who can’t be bothered to do ninety seconds of googling sometimes assert. I do not believe that Sanders “sold us out”; he would have to have owned us to sell us. What I absolutely do believe, with an extremely high degree of confidence, is that if Bernie had won, he’d be advancing the exact same deep state agendas that Trump is now. It wouldn’t look the same, it would have a much more lefty-looking spin on it, but America would be amassing troops in Syria and escalating tensions with Russia, just as it is right now. I don’t know how they got to him, but they got to him. And if they got to him now, they would have gotten to him if he’d won.

“You’re wrong about Trump/Sanders!” my readers may be tempted to say, depending on where their ideological loyalties lie. “He’s smarter than all of us! He’s working the system! He’s playing 3-D chess!”

3-D chess, huh? Watch this clip from the beginning of the Obama administration:

The deep state wants to smack down the Putin administration and ideally replace it with a more Yeltsin-like puppet government which won’t take bold actions like annexing the strategically important Crimean peninsula, collaborating with Russia’s longtime ally Syria to crush the terrorist factions who are attempting to overthrow it, and working with China to undermine the dominance of the US dollar in that region. It wants to control Syria because of its strategically crucial role in the fossil fuel battles, because of Assad’s Five Seas Vision which would drastically shift world geopolitical power, and because of its dispute with Israel over the oil and water-rich Golan Heights. It wants them so badly that in order to manufacture consent for this regime change invasion it’s willing to parade a seven year-old girl who can’t speak English in front of CNN cameras and have her sound out scripted war propaganda syllable-by-syllable in a fake, staged interview that CNN knowingly participated in scripting.

In last month’s interview with Democracy NOW, Julian Assange made the keen observation that by watching the Trump administration gradually fall into line on globalist foreign policy, we now know how long it takes the military-industrial complex to “digest a president”. Trump has been made to backtrack on issues from Russia to Syria to WikiLeaks to China to NATO and more, and the same would most assuredly have happened to Sanders. I still smile politely when my friends tell me things would be so much better if Bernie would’ve won, but I don’t believe it. The deep state would have won either way. They would get their wars, and the people would be kept powerless so that the oligarchs can remain powerful. This could not be more obvious than it is right now.

So what does this mean for us clear-eyed rebels? What does it mean when both populist candidates from both the anti-establishment right and the anti-establishment left can be made to fall into line in the exact same way with the exact same deep state warmongering and Cold War escalations? What does it mean for us when no matter who you elect, the deep state wins? It means we have to start targeting the deep state directly.

This can be done by disrupting establishment propaganda narratives. The entire deep state control apparatus is held together through mass media propaganda and domestic psy-ops, and our newfound widespread internet access has given us the ability to network and share information in a way that the old systems of manipulation and control simply do not know how to keep up with; the invention of the internet took the deep state completely by surprise and it’s still scrambling to figure out exactly what is going on here.

But we need to act fast — the possible dissolution of net neutrality means that the plutocrats may begin disrupting alternative media before long, which has surely been the plan all along. If they succeed in doing this we’ll still be able to fight the media war — we’ll just have to get more agile and creative online, — but now is definitely the best time to strike. More people than ever are aware of the deep state’s existence and the toxic effect that it has on their lives, and we’ve got the ability to greatly disrupt their manipulations with our relatively uninhibited internet situation right now. If we can cause mainstream America’s belief in the official narratives to fall away, the deep state will lose all power, because that’s the only source of its control. The only reason that power exists where it exists is because people agree that it exists there; if they don’t believe the talking heads on their screens telling them to trust Big Brother, they can shrug off the oppression machine like a heavy coat on a warm day.

I have outlined some strategies and tools for winning this media war in this link, this link, and this link. I welcome your ideas as well. Let’s take these motherfuckers down.

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