THE GLOVES ARE OFF. Let’s discuss Ann Coulter.

Spooky psychotic Coulter finds humor in mocking children who were raped and murdered.

Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed
4 min readSep 12, 2018


Ann Coulter invented something.

As far as I can tell she’s the first woman to ever publicly poke fun at a child who was raped and murdered. I mean sure, Laura Ingraham taught us the ins and outs of mocking PTSD school shooting survivors, because she is a maniac who needs to constantly remind us which advertisers to boycott,


— as an avid reader and expert on world affairs, I had never been exposed to something like this:

Oh, my dear, adored, beloved and cherished readers, that was her actual tweet and my response. I feel dirty, but soul-deep, having wandered too close to Coulter’s world, or dimension, or rift in the fabric of humanity. I wish I could warn myself from this morning not to see that. I miss the me I was.

Since 2016, it seems someone escaped from Arkham Asylum and put powerful psychotropic drugs into the water supplies of all conservatives. And yet, I’m still shocked at such daily lunacy and demonic cruelty.

So, Ann C(-word), I hate that I was inadvertently exposed to your tragic and incomprehensible thoughts from your tattered, fly-infested, haunted mind.

Although as individuals the very best of us rise heroically when frightened, as a society when we’re scared we’re at our very worst. Ann, you’ve actually chilled me to the bone. Damn you to hell Ann Coulter, for the following statements. I’m not proud of what I’m about to say.

She’s got Bette Davis’ Eyes… In a jar.

Ann Coulter: and a horse walked into a bar, and the bartender said: “Hey Horse, YOU can stay… even though it violates all known state health laws and we’ll definitely lose our license,… but you can’t bring that… THING… in here with you. She’s a psycho who makes fun of children being raped and murdered on twitter!”

Ann Coulter: is the inevitable result of placing a stringy wig that was once used to clean up a peroxide spill, onto Dana Carvey’s head, and then, removing Mr, Carvey’s brain and replacing it with the brain from a monster, exactly like the plot of “Abbott & Costello Meet Dracula”.

An unfortunate series of events: They put Wilbur’s brain into the monster, and the Monster’s brain into Garth Algar, resulting in Ann Coulter.

Ann Coulter: is what happens when Hitler forgets to take his empathy pills.

Ann Coulter’s current and former lovers include:

  • Gorgon the Volcano Dweller,
  • Kim Jong-un
  • Mark David Chapman
  • Bezallzigrub, Eater Of Worlds III
  • Trump’s less handsome and less coherent cousin, Chlymedia Carl Trump
  • The Zeka Virus
  • Kim Jong-il
  • George Papadopoulos’ dermatologist, Dr. Stabby Von Facey (MD)
  • The Zodiac Killer
  • Famed cereal spokesperson, Frankenberry.
  • Heywood U. Cuddlemee
  • The inventor of Trump’s hairstyle, Andy Warhol. — That’s why moments after his encounter with Coulter, Warhol begged Valerie Solanas to please shoot him.
  • The entire law firm of Lucifer, Sabnock, & Baal, Demons At Law
  • James Woods (Voted America’s #1 Reason Not To See A Movie).

Now… Here’s a bunch of captions.

Hey! GREG BRADY wants his GROOVY shirt back!!!

When Johnny Winters Rises From The Grave

Ann COLT-er

A Picture Of The Scariest Thing I Saw In The MUNSTERS’ House.

Okay. I’m actually glad I got some of that out of my system. Let none of us ever forget that Ann Coulter is the pus in the wounds of America. A psychotic, savage, animal, who bears no connection to humanity.

Ann, you literally make my skin crawl. Your eyes are the rivers that flow into the sea of insanity, where hope, kindness, goodwill, and decency, all go to drown.

Written by Steven W. Rouach

©2018 SWRouach



Steven Rouach
Extra Newsfeed

Is a carbon based life form from Earth. Anyone who tells you he's not is absolutely lying. He's known for being dashing, heroic & humanity's last, best, hope.