“The Horror! The Horror!”

Cynthia Dagnal-Myron
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2018
The Gowdy glower…

Some of you know that the title of this piece is the last thing the mysterious “Mistah Kurtz” uttered before he died, at the end of the novel Heart of Darkness.

Those words kept coming back to me yesterday as I watched all those craven little eunuchs posturing for the camera at Peter Strzok hearing yesterday.

Hearts don’t get any darker than theirs.

There were all kinds of vitriolic — and idiotic — exchanges like this one, between Strzok and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX):

I was hoping Strzok’s sole response to all that self-righteous “you lied to your wife” stuff would be, simply, “I got two words for you, dude: Stormy Daniels.

But when I went low, Strzok went high. Good on ya’, brah.

And then we had Rep. Paul Gosar, a republican from my own beloved state of Arizona, who told us, “By the way, I’m a dentist, so I read body language very, very well.”

Uh…okay. So…I’m a writer, so I can handle Ginzu knives like a champ.

Your turn.

No seriously, I think the guy just created a new game you can and your friends can play at your next party. Just get everybody together in two teams and see how many “non-sequiturs” each team member can create “head to head” in, say, one minute per round.

C’mon, it’ll be fun. Here’s how Gosar did it — watch and learn:

Lord, have mercy…

You may also have noticed that Gosar gave us a civics lesson at the hearing, too. He taught us that America is not a democracy. It’s a constitutional republic, and that’s why we have the vote and the uh…the uh…uh…electoral college.


As CNN’s Chris Cuomo explains, a “constitutional republic” is a form of uh…uh…oh yeah, “democracy.” So…oh, forget it.

God, I’m so embarrassed…

But anyway, truth…and facts…were not the point of yesterday’s debacle. Because the truth and fact is that it’s us Lefties who should be pissed at Strzok. Because he knew, before the 2016 election, that there was something going on between Trump’s team and the Russians and DID NOT SAY A WORD.

Publicly. He said lots of words privately — that’s what the hearing was supposedly about. As if every person in that room hadn’t sent a snarky text message about Trump or some other colleague ever, ever, ever in their whole lives.

In fact, using that same logic, given the snark they all probably, and privately, slung at Strzok, none of them probably should’ve been allowed to question him.

But I digress. Let’s go back to that fact I was talking about: Strzok knowing the Trump campaign was being investigated and not saying anything. That’s a big deal.

Cause instead of letting us know that, his boss, James Comey, held a press conference just days before said election and raised the final fatal — and unfounded — doubts about Hillary Clinton’s emails.

So Trump won.

Seriously, these knavish little gnomes should genuflect every time Strzok passes by.

I think the thing that hurts me most is how brazenly these people continue to do the boss’ bidding. That’s Trump, I’m talking about. That boss.

They’d all read the IG report absolving Strzok. They knew the whole hearing was a smoke screen to distract the world from the cluster f*ck that their boss’ trip to Europe was turning into.

We all know what’s going on. But we can’t seem to do anything about it. But gape in disbelief every time he does it again.

Let me leave you with a brilliant Randy Rainbow song that expresses my feelings perfectly:



Cynthia Dagnal-Myron
Extra Newsfeed

Award-winning former features reporter for the Chicago Sun Times and Arizona Daily Star, HuffPo contributor and author.