The Printing Press Is An Enemy Of The European People

Connor Toole
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2017

Look, I’m a very smart man. Many people know that. I’m one of the smartest people I know. I’ve got great judgement. Some people say I have the best judgement. And even though so much of the news is fake — it really is, folks — I heard news that there’s some sort of press out there, and let me tell you one thing. If there’s a press — and even if there is it’s probably not even a very good press, manufacturing these days, let me tell you, it’s just sad, it really is — but if that press is out there, that press is an enemy of the European people.

It’s taking jobs away from our monks. It’s killing, KILLING, the candle industry on this continent. From what I’ve heard, and I hear many, many things, my doctor has told me I have fantastic ears, this press is being used for bibles. And that’s good. The Bible is very, very good. I haven’t read it but I’ve been told it’s fantastic. And even if the press is being used to spread the truth, the absolute, indisputable truth — Jesus, who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice — but industry. You know it and I know it. Jobs. How are we going to make this continent great again when the press is the enemy?

Who’s this guy? Gutenberg? Glutenfree? Johannesburg? I don’t know. I don’t know him. I don’t know where he’s from. Who knows if he’s even supposed to be here. We all know the Romans make terrible walls. We’re going to make great walls, I assure you, and we’ll make the Romans pay for our walls. But what I do know is he’s coming after you. He’s coming after your families. He’s coming after your jobs. He’s a real danger, folks. He really is. I have a source — well I have many sources, really some of the best sources, hundreds of them — but I have one source, and I can’t tell you who it is but he’s a trustworthy man that I trust dearly, and I assure you he can be trusted — he said that this is bad. It’s bad, folks.




Connor Toole
Extra Newsfeed

One of the four white guys with a beard in Brooklyn writing things. Co-creator of Millennials of New York.