The REAL Reason Donald Trump Won — It’s not Because America is Racist

Santiago Nasra
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2016

I’m going to explain to you, in quick, rapid-fire fashion, why Trump won. I’m doing this because it’s important to know these things during Trump’s administration and the mainstream media simply won’t tell you.

  • Hillary Clinton is the most untrustworthy and corrupt politician in American history. She changed her stance thousands of times, is fake to the point of putting on an accent, and is accused of very serious abuse of power crimes (the email thing you’ve been hearing about). A lot of people would vote anyone before her.
  • There’s a worldwide anti-establishment tendency, and people want change BADLY. Given how the establishment is set up in the 21st century, that change means moving to the right-wing politicians.
  • Trump knows how to manipulate the media to stay in headlines and gain free publicity. He also knows how to give speeches and be entertaining (which in politics means, he speaks like a normal human being instead of a robot). He’s also a fantastic social network user. We all know about his great Tweets, and if you message him on Facebook, he’ll always respond (with an automated reply, but still).
  • Hillary Clinton would’ve started World War III with her no-fly zone in Syria proposal. More people know this than you’d think, and they also know this is why Obama held off on the no-fly zone for 8 years.
  • Hillary Clinton centered her campaign on “warning us” about the dangers of her opponent and his lack of qualifications, like we’re children, instead of talking about her own ideas. Her personal policies she did talk about, were mostly continuing Obama’s policies. Speaking of which…
  • She stayed way too close to Obama. The only thing left was her coming out and admitting her administration would be 4 more years of Obama. Nobody wants 12 years of the same politician.
  • Trump spent 400 million dollars less on campaigning than Hillary did. The American voter pays attention to this, especially when Hillary’s expensive propaganda was all about defaming Trump. “Is this the way you spend millions? How is this woman going to handle public spending, especially when she wants to “change” the very questionable Affordable Care Act?” The United States owes 20 trillion dollars.
  • The mailgate disgusted a lot more people than Trump’s sexist comments, it’s just CNN didn’t tell you.

There is a racist and xenofobe core in the United States. But it didn’t take Trump to the White House. Just like the UK with relation to the European Union, Egypt, Argentina and so many more countries, the triumph is less Trump’s merit and more failure of the previous administration and the mediocre candidate they proposed to continue their policies past the 8 years they’re legally allowed in office. They chose a corrupt and establishment-friendly negotiator that would do what they want and people noticed.

Worldwide, governments have failed. They’ve been replaced with the option most likely to actually make a difference, not with the population’s favorite.



Santiago Nasra
Extra Newsfeed

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